PHYSICS 2326 (Fall, 2015) University Physics II PHYS 2326 – 0061: University Physics II (Southeast College) (Class Number 78129, Session: Regular Term: 8/24/2015 - 12/13/2015) Time: 12:00 pm. to 2:00 pm. on Tuesday and Thursday Room: Felix Morales Building Rm 214 Information about me and the class Information AQ Guo Ask Question, Great Understanding Out! Google: Search Aqiang Guo, You will find: aqiang.guo — HCC Learning Web Aqiang Guo at Houston Community College (Ratemyprofessors)
Ask Question, Great Understanding Out! Syllabus of PHYSICS 2326 AQ Guo Ask Question, Great Understanding Out! Contact Information Email: Office Hours: Arrange appointment with instructor/before. After class: after 2:00pm
PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Syllabus of PHYSICS 2326 Email to me Email: Subject/Title: PHYS 2326, Index #: Question about …. PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Index ID Name 2/18 2/20 2/25 2/27 3/4 3/6 3/11 1 845682 Benoot,Brittany L 2 7126178 Brainerd,Greg 3 888695 Clay,Holly Kathleen 4 1008423 Conrad,Chase Addison 5 7073201 Gamble,Rebecca 6 7032171 Grant,Shannan Nicole 7 7116309 Hartman,Kyra 8 256683 Lindsay,James D
Syllabus of PHYSICS 2326 Course Information Prerequisites: University Physics I Math 2413 and 2414 (calculus I and II-based physics course) Textbooks: (Required) Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway (7th Edition). Student Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0495-01312-9 and ISBN-10: 0-495-01312-9 Instructor Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0495-11375-1 and ISBN-10: 0-495-11375-1 Course Cover Material: Electricity and Magnetism (Chapter 23 to 34), Light and Optics (Chapter 35 to 38), and Modern Physics (Chapter 39 Relativity).
Syllabus of PHYSICS 2326 Course Information Grade Calculation Grading Scale – 100-90 =A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, <60 = F Attendance and/or quiz (10%) Homework (Counts 30%). HW due date: one week after each HW is assigned, you need turn in your HW). Only original HW-sheet accepted (NO Email, FAX, Photocopy). Tests (60%): There will be 3 tests (20%) during the semester. Plan to have a test each 5 week roughly during this semester. The exact dates for partial tests will be announced in class. All tests are close book (you can have 1 sheet note). No Make up! When you pass the homework due date, you get 0% for that HW. Very few special case (sick etc.), you can get 60% for the delay.
Syllabus of PHYSICS 2326 ??? (10/30): Last day to withdraw Withdraw from the class: Students are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from a class. If your name is still on the roster and you intended to drop the class but did not do so officially and you thus miss multiple exams, you will recieve an “F”. Make sure that if you want to drop or withdraw from the class, you do so officially. If the class is still on your official schedule, you have not dropped or withdrawn from the class. ??? (10/30): Last day to withdraw
Your Goal and My Goal Your Goal (where is your bar?) Information about about you What is your major? career goals? favorite subject of study? What is the reason you want to take this subject or class? Etc. My Goal (where is your bar?) Help you to achieve your goal (really understand this topic) Your major career goals I will teach the level higher than the 2 tests. To meet those have a higher bar.
I Want Everyone Know That How to Pass 2326 (Limit Bar on the Syllabus ) Become a Real Game Player 1. Involve in the game (1). Attendance. (2). HW. (3). Ask Question 2. Concentrate 3. Work hard … I Want Everyone Know That If you really want to be your best, your coach always there ready to help you.
AQ Law What you reap = what you sow Work = Force Distance
Syllabus of PHYSICS 2326 Academic Integrity College core values: honesty, respect, fairness, and accountability. Class Distractions: Doing something else which suppose should not do during class Show Your Respect to Anyone in the Class
PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) University Physics II Almost all the time in this class, I will not use PowerPoint. I will write on the board. It is your responsibility to make your notes. You may ask/stop me whenever my handwriting is not clear to you. I will use learning web to send HW and test answers. HW and test format: Size of the papers Index number (save me a lot time) Your Name PHYS 1410 Student Attendance (Please Mark X) Index ID Name 2/18 2/20 2/25 2/27 3/4 3/6 3/11 1 845682 Benoot,Brittany L 2 7126178 Brainerd,Greg 3 888695 Clay,Holly Kathleen 4 1008423 Conrad,Chase Addison 5 7073201 Gamble,Rebecca 6 7032171 Grant,Shannan Nicole 7 7116309 Hartman,Kyra 8 256683 Lindsay,James D
Format of your HW Class: Phys 2326 Index number: 123 Name: AQ Guo HW: Ch23 (2, 5, 8,…)
University Physics II Physics Greek work Physics means nature, Historically Physics is a branch of science that developed out of philosophy, and was thus referred as natural philosophy until the late 19th century. Currently, physics is defined as the study of matter, energy, and the relation between them. Using everyday language, Physics study everything (anything) which you can sense (see, hear, touch, etc.) and their relation. Thinking Physics as a Puzzle To play a puzzle, you need to have a few piece puzzles. And then you connect different pieces together correctly. In physics (puzzle box), these pieces are some physical concepts (or quantities). Different pieces (concepts) have correct connections. Some of the connections are so important that they are called them the Laws of physics. The language of these connections are Mathematics. In this class the Math language used will be so simple that we call our class Elementary Physics. Science --- knowledge. Technology --- use knowledge to provide tools
Modern Physics (Ch39 Relativity) University Physics II Thinking Physics as a Puzzle Puzzle { pieces, connect different pieces } Physics { concepts (or quantities), (concepts) connections } Language used for connections --- Mathematics. Important connections --- the Laws of physics. Game 1 (Part 4): Electricity and Magnetism Puzzle Game 2 (Part 5): Light and Optics Game 3 (Part 6): Modern Physics (Ch39 Relativity)
University Physics II Electricity and Magnetism Game 8/25/2015 - 12/03/2015 11/26: Thanksgiving Holiday Game 1 Electricity Game 2 Magnetism Game 3 Ele & Mag Game 4 AC Circuit Game 1.2 Electricity Concept Game 1.2 DC Circuit Week 8,9,10 Ch 29, 30 Week 11, 12,13 Ch 31, 32,33 Week 14,15,16 Ch 34 Week 4,5,6,7 Ch 26, 27,28 Week 1,2,3 Ch23, 24,25 Test 2 Test 3 HW 1,2,3 Ch23, 24,25 Test 1 HW 6,7 Ch 29, 30 HW 8,9,10 Ch 31, 32,33 HW 4,5 Ch 26, 27,28
An Example to Build Your Puzzle Box: From Simple to More Complicated Puzzle Box. Puzzle Pieces in the Current Box Connections of the Pieces Time, Position, Mass, Newton Laws, etc. Mechanics Puzzle Box (Related to Motion) Speed & Velocity, Acceleration Force Add New Puzzle Pieces New Connections Bigger Mechanics Puzzle Box (Motion + Work & Energy) Work, Energy (KE, PE) Energy conservation, etc.
Now Start Game 1 Electricity and Magnetism Game Game 1 Electricity Concept Game 1.2 DC Circuit Week 4,5,6,7 Ch 26, 27,28 Week 1,2,3 Ch23, 24,25 HW 1,2,3 Ch23, 24,25 Test 1 HW 4,5 Ch 26, 27,28