Intelligence & Creativity
Defining Intelligence The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test Order of increasing difficulty Test-item construction Mental Age Determined (no longer used) Intelligence Quotient (MA/CA)*100=IQ **No Longer Used**
The Wechslter Intelligence Test Verbal Performance: Problem solving Picture completion Object assembly WAIS: Adult verbal, performance and a combined total WISC: Children 6-16
Other Theories Spearman Thurstone/Guilford Gardner Sternbert
Qualities of a Test Reliability Validity Standardization
What is Intelligence? Influence of Society on Definition of Intelligence What is worthwhile at the time Is Intelligence Inherited? Heredity Twin Studies
Issues in Intelligence Testing Individual v. Group Testing Individual: One examiner, one test taker Group: highly verbal test (less $$$$)
Issues in Intelligence Testing Uses and Limits of IQ scores Court Cases WASP Cultural Bias – unfair measurement of cultural groups’ abilities
The Effects of Mental Challenge Stimulation is important Development of brain cells Also: heredity, education, social class, environment, nutrition)
Personal Characteristics High Self-esteem Less gullible Harder to persuade Extremely intelligent people are actually quite well adjusted
Present at birth Mental Retardation Subaverage intellectual functioning so that such a person is not able to perform at the level appropriate for his/her age
Basic Classifications IQ 70-90: Boderline Mental Retardation IQ 52-69: Mild Mental Retardation IQ 36-51: Moderate Mental Retardation IQ 20-35: Severe Mental Retardation IQ 19>: Profound Mental Retardation Physical Defects 20% suffer from physical defect
Environmental Factors Nutrition is critical to brain development Infection Alcohol/drug abuse by pregnant mothers Lack of brain stimulation Poverty
Methods of Treatment Mainstreaming: Keeping mentally retarded children in regular academic classrooms Social programs
Creativity: Mental processes that result in original, workable ideas Tests of Creativity Set: solve problems similarly each time Breaking set: original, unusual, unexpected ideas to solve a problem Creative Students Unpredictable, disruptive No relationship between creativity & IQ (correlation close to 0)