Godunova Julia Executive director
We are the first and only network, created for the protection and support of women, who live with HIV and other socially significant diseases within the Russian Federation.
TB direction -2 project Stop TB Rapid testing
Stop TB. Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS). Mid-term report
1. Increase the capacity of patient communities to advocate for treatment and care of HIV/TB co-infection We selected four regions to participate in the project: Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Naberezhnye Chelny, and Saint Petersburg. A team of 8 activists in the field of access to TB care was created. Meetings are held to train and educate regional activists. Develop the awareness of the project staff on HIV/TB co- infection: diagnosis, treatment regimen, duration, characteristics of the disease, and new approaches to treatment
Creation and regular use of communication through the mailing list: Skype conferences for project participants. Develop the skills and resources needed to write letters and reports on the progress of the project.
2. Identifying problems in the field of TB treatment for patients co-infected with TB / HIV in the Russian Federation Create a questionnaire to asses the situation of access to TB care.
3. Advocacy for access to TB care for patients co-infected with HIV / TB through highlighting identified problems, development, and promotion Develop a plan for advocacy activities with participating regional activists based on the indentified problems. Held a press-conference in Saint Petersburg.
During the period of reporting, the following strategically important meetings were held: V. Zimina - Officer of Central Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow - reached an agreement to work together on final recommendations resulting from the monitoring project Panteleev AM - Head of the HIV / TB hospital in Saint Petersburg - agreed to carry out work in his hospital for HIV / TB co-infection
the project results The preliminary monitoring results suggest that many patients are taking medication from the hospital and self-administering, a practice that violates Russian law on the treatment of tuberculosis. Phthisiology requires the administration of drugs under the direct supervision of medical staff.
the project results Almost a quarter of patients reported failure to receive their medication because they were not reporting to the hospital.
the project results The most significant barriers for patients during the period of treatment are: conflicts with other patients and medical staff, discrimination, depression and loneliness, and deteriorating financial condition. We will definitely include this data in our recommendations to change the current situation in the Russian Federation.
Rapid testing for HIV-infection in the Leningrad Region. HIV prevention among high risk groups of young people. Anonymous. Fast. Authentic.
Rapid testing among vulnerable groups 2013 year. 2 district of St. Petersburg 193 for HIV positive half of the clients - HIV positive status for the first time open tuberculosis - 20 clients escorted to the hospital
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