Energy (TKK-2129) 13/14 Spring Semester Instructor: Rama Oktavian Office Hr.: M.13-15, Tu , W , Th , F
Outlines 1. Coal: Introduction 2. Coal power plant 3. Coal to chemical (CTC) 4. Recent status of coal technology
Coal (Intro) Coal is conventional fossil fuel Formation of Coal Coal deposits are formed from plant material that died and was deposited in a swampy environment - low in O 2 Anaerobic bacteria convert the organic material until environment becomes too acidic and the bacterial die - decomposition stops when the plants have been converted to peat Peat becomes buried at bottom of swamp Peat is transformed at high pressure and low temperature (< 200 °C) over ~300 million years to coal
Coal (Intro) Coal is conventional fossil fuel Formation of Coal
Coal (Intro) Coal Mining Surface Mining Strip Mining Underground Mining
Coal (Intro) Types of coal
Coal (Intro) Types of coal
Coal (Intro) Types of coal
Coal (Intro) Chemical composition of coal Source:
Coal source Energy sources in Indonesia Coal
Coal source Energy sources in Indonesia Coal
Coal power plant Process equipment Feedwater Feedwater used in a steam boiler to transfer heat energy from the fuel burning area to mech. Energy of spinning steam turbine Boiler Rectangular furnace, pulverized coal is blown in from fuel nozzles at 4 corners. The coal then burns quickly and forms a fireball at the center (seriously, a fireball!!!).
Coal power plant Process equipment Steam Turbine Generator Is a series of steam turbines interconnected to each other and then a generator Steam Condenser Steam enters from the turbine generator and is pumped into the bottom of the condenser, where pumps recycle the condensed steam from the feedwater Stack Releases process emissions.
Coal power plant Process diagram
Coal power plant Pros Cheap Cheaper per unit energy than oil or natural gas Will continue to be an important global resource Abundance Coal is the world’s most abundant fossil fuel Sufficient reserves for the next 250 years
Coal power plant Pros Efficiency Larger power plants are more efficient 38% of the chemical energy is converted to energy Safe safest fossil fuel to transport, store and use
Coal power plant Cons Environmental issues Coal-Fired Power Plants are the largest contributor of hazardous air pollutants. o Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) o Nitrogen Oxide (NO x ) o Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) o Mercury