Consideration Of Scope Of Work And Agreement To Conduct Tire Forums FY 2005/2006 December 7, 2005 Victoria Rocha
2 Background Five-Year Plan Allocates $100,000 Funding Promote alternatives to landfill disposal of used and waste tires Increase awareness of CIWMB’s enforcement policies Promote forums for the interactive discussions of solutions to waste tire problems
3 Board Direction The Board determined that smaller, focused events are more cost-effective The Forums will collaborate with California State Association of Counties, Rubber Pavements Association, Rubber Manufacturers Association, Local Enforcement Agencies, U.S. EPA’s Resource Conservation Challenge, Chambers of Commerce, Border 2012 and League of California Cities The direction and vision of the Forums is to reach as many stakeholders regarding tire related issues
4 Forum Types Regional Trainings Workshops Statewide Mini-Conference Roundtables
5 Options For The Board Approve the SOW and CSUS as Contractor for the Tire Forums and adopt Resolution Number Approve the SOW with specific modifications, and approve CSUS as Contractor for the Tire Forums and adopt Resolution Number Take no action at this time and refer the Item back to staff