ERC 1 Energy Research Centre University of Cape Town Alison Hughes.


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Presentation transcript:

ERC 1 Energy Research Centre University of Cape Town Alison Hughes

ERC 2 What do we seek  Quantitative insights into challenges we face  Contribute to economic, social and environmental sustainability  Reduce the risks to the country of coming challenges such as peak oil and meeting our international climate change commitments  Meet complex policy challenges such as: ­energy security ­delivering energy services to the poor ­improving energy efficiency ­making energy markets work better ­mitigating negative impact of the energy system on health and the environment.

ERC 3 What do we need?  The right information, analytical tools, appropriate skills, Institutional networks, sustained commitment  Sustained commitment to develop and resource energy planning ­Move away from adhoc reactive approach ­Multidisciplinary research teams ­Link modelling frameworks in innovative ways F Spatial infrastructure requirements F Energy economy linkages – social F Energy environment linkages F Technology development and characterisation ­multi year data plan

ERC 4 Modelling ERC

ERC 5 Thank you

ERC 6 1. Sustained commitment  Internationally, governments only tend to support energy policy and planning during energy crises – this is too late!  Without sustained support, systems have to be put in place from scratch, capacity needs to be developed from scratch, etc, every couple of years  Energy planning needs to be supported on a long-term basis, to reduce risk to the country from energy crises and/or price shocks policies -

ERC 7 2. The right information  Data is needed in the following areas: ­Energy supply and demand data ­Data on existing and new technologies ­Data on environmental impacts ­Contextual data: economic growth, demographic information ­Social and cultural context  Data needs to be collected more systematically, and housed (and documented) systematically and accessibly – it needs a long-term home

ERC 8 3. Analytical tools  Energy modelling is a very powerful tool for energy planning, as it facilitates the rational consideration of alternative futures in complex systems  Energy models are time-consuming and expensive to set up, but require less resources to maintain  A wide range of models are available – we need to choose models taking into account local realities, including availability of data and skills

ERC 9 4. Appropriate skills  A range of skills needed in various contexts: ­data gathering and management, ­energy analysis and modelling, ­policy formulation and analysis, ­building and maintaining stakeholders networks, ­communicating results  All these skills currently exist in South Africa – challenge is to integrate these appropriately, and not keep re-inventing the wheel  Support needed for capacity-building programmes, both in government departments and at tertiary institutions

ERC Institutional networks  Should emphasise an integrated approach, building on existing institutional strengths – we need a network  We need economies of scale

ERC 11 Energy Research Centre  Modelling capacity- we lose capacity to other international institutions IAEA, BNL  Existing analytical tools ­National MARKAL model (ETSAP) F Updated since the first IEP F Reviewed by AEAT ­TIMES (ETSAP) ­Message (IAEA) ­LEAP (SEI)  Training ­Existing Masters and PhD programmes, ­Government officers from 14 African countries  Longstanding relationships and networking Policy Poverty and development Energy efficiency Analysis and planning Climate change

ERC 12 What is integrated energy planning?  A recognition that energy is an important area for government involvement  Planning for the whole energy sector, i.e. making decisions about the energy system in its entirety  Integrating key government agencies in energy policy decision-making and implementation, at all levels of government  A process, rather than a product

ERC Stakeholder participation  Who are stakeholders: ­Energy sector ­Big and small energy users ­Government (local, regional and national) ­Civil society  Critical to get buy-in to the planning process from as many stakeholders as possible

ERC Political will  Decisive political leadership and support is required to make IEP meaningful and effective across government  Resources need to be dedicated to the process on a long- term basis