2001–2011 Marking the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers
In celebrating IYV10… “We celebrate volunteering as an expression of our common humanity and as a means of building mutual respect, understanding, trust, solidarity and reciprocity. We embrace volunteering as universal and inclusive, and recognize volunteering in its diversity, as well as the purpose that sustains it: a firm belief in the values of equality, solidarity, civic engagement as well as individual and collective freedoms.” From the Vision statement drafted at the consultative stakeholders meeting in October 2009
History UN General Assembly proclaimed 2001as the International Year of Volunteers Resolution 63/153 called for marking the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10) UNV designated focal point for anniversary Year preparation, implementation and follow-up Four pillars
IYV+10 and the four pillars… Recognition : acknowledge value of volunteerism and relation to MDGs
IYV+10 and the pillars…. Facilitation : ensure volunteer opportunities for diverse people
IYV+10 and the pillars… Networking : strengthen partnerships, exchange experiences
IYV+10 and the pillars… Promotion : promote inclusive and representative volunteerism.
IYV+10 summary of events o Three stakeholder meetings in Bonn Vision Statement Call to Action o 64 th Annual DPI-NGO Conference: ‘Sustainable Societies, Responsive Citizens’ o Global Volunteering Conference, Budapest o UN General Assembly, 5 December 2011
IYV+10 summary of events o Five regional consultation meetings Quito, Ecuador Ankara, Turkey Manila, the Philippines Dakar, Senegal (Francophone) Dakar, Senegal (Anglophone) o 125 Recommendations (13 in Synopsis)
IYV+10 summary of actors o 40 National and International UNV IYV+10 Coordinators o Online volunteers o National Committees o Stakeholder working group eg. IAVE, Civicus IFRC, CEV Scouts, Guides etc. o Multitude of stakeholders o
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