Brent Sustainability Forum - Civic Centre Update Brent Council Aktar Choudhury Civic Centre Team
A model of Sustainability – BREEAM Outstanding Commitment to BREEAM Outstanding from outset. Design Stage Outstanding Awarded September 2012 Score of per cent Greenest public office building in the country Fourth greenest building worldwide Only ten have received BREEAM Outstanding rating.
Sustainable Elements – Highlights Natural building ventilation Rainwater harvesting Indoor winter garden and green roofs A green transport plan including 250 cycling spaces and charging points for electric cars sustainably sourced building materials landscaped courtyards planted with carefully selected drought tolerant species IT offer i.e. Colorqube printers, thin client Air source heat pumps CHP Envac
Sustainable Elements – Highlights Features will combine to allow the Civic Centre to achieve a 33 per cent reduction in carbon emission with energy consumption Two times less than for similar conventional buildings Draft EPC ‘A’ rating with score of 22. Potential to lower this still. Average score for a newly built building is 60. Sustainability measures included within all major procurement activities including architect, contractor, furniture and removals.
Timeline to Occupation January to March 2013 January to March Fit out the building with furniture and IT April – July 2013 April – July 2013 Staff move into the building
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