Progression in Starz Sarah Schofield St Albans Catholic Primary School
To explore how Starz can be used progressively to support learning in ICT across the key stages To consider how Starz can be used as a tool to enhance teaching and learning in other curriculum areas across the key stages To look at practical examples of Starz in action across the key stages AIMS
Communicating CapabilityStarz Progression Explore and experiment with communication technology with the intention of finding out ‘who can I talk to’ Early Years Show willingness and motivation to experiment with communication technologies alongside peer group. Exchange ideas with peers beyond the classroom. Begin to understand and explain different ways of communicating with others. KS1 Demonstrate a more independent use of online communication to converse with others. Show awareness of the need to use the internet safely. Use online communication to exchange views or information with others. Lower KS2 Experience and engage in a range of online communication experiences including live virtual environment in order to support learning. Observe correct procedures in the use of personal information Choose to use communicative tools to aid learning. Know when it is appropriate to use synchronous and asynchronous forms of communication. Upper KS2 Children work online independently to enhance and support their learning both directed and undirected. They communicate within and beyond school for a purpose. Children work online more independently on directed tasks or projects. They experiment with Starz as a social network. Children make use of online tools with close teacher or parent supervision They begin to understand that it can be used to communicate with others.
Early Years/KS1 Children make use of online tools with close teacher or parent supervision. They begin to understand that it can be used to communicate with others. Upper KS2 Children work online independently to enhance and support their learning both directed and undirected. They communicate within and beyond school for purpose. KS1/Lower KS2 Children work online more independently on directed tasks or projects. They experiment with using Starz as a social network within school. GENERAL PROGRESSION OF STARZ USE
Early Years/Foundation Stage “Explore and experiment with communication technology with the intention of finding out ‘what can I use it for?’ ‘what can I make it do for me’, ‘who can I talk to’” Cambridgshire ICT Service, Capability Statements Foundation Stage Introduction of Little Starz as a learning community. Use of Little Starz community to share work and access online resources Introduction to simple communication tools available in Starz. Teacher-led tasks through Class Account.
Year 1/Year 2 “ Show willingness and motivation to experiment with communication technologies alongside peer group.” “Exchange ideas with peers beyond the classroom. Begin to understand and explain different ways of communicating with others” Cambridgeshire ICT Service, Capability Statements Year1 /Year 2 Use of Community Page to engage children with E-safety agenda Introduction of individual pupil accounts including online profiles Introduction of individual Blogs and how to read those of others Introduction of Forums to support learning in other areas Using to communicate within and beyond the classroom.
Year 3/4 “Demonstrate a more independent use of online communication to converse with others. Show awareness of the need to use the internet safely. Use online communication to exchange views or information with others.” Cambridgeshire ICT Service Capability Statements Year 3/4 Use of Community pages/Work Gallery to support homework activities Use of forums to share thoughts/views/ideas as an alternative to more ‘traditional’ methods Independent use of audio and video recording to show knowledge and share ideas Publishing work to own work gallery and the Community gallery in order to share it with others
Year 5/6 Experience and engage in a range of online communication experiences including live virtual environment in order to support learning. Observe correct procedures in the use of personal information Choose to use communicative tools to aid learning. Know when it is appropriate to use synchronous and asynchronous forms of communication. Cambridgeshire ICT Service Capability Statements Year 5/6 Using shared work space to share, evaluate and assess learning and as a tool to facilitate learning beyond school Collaborative projects within and beyond school Use of ‘white-listed’ external addresses in order to communicate with others outside of school Use of community and individual blogs to keep a ‘real time’ record of events or developments in a project