Álvaro Oliveira Unit D1 – Equality Legislation DG Justice & Consumers - European Commission EU equality legislation against hate speech & discrimination.


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Presentation transcript:

Álvaro Oliveira Unit D1 – Equality Legislation DG Justice & Consumers - European Commission EU equality legislation against hate speech & discrimination … ILGA-Europe & ENORB - Brussels - 26 March 2015 The equal treatment directive negotiations' state of play

Outline 1 – The 2008 proposal 2 – The new Commission 3 – State of play of negotiations

Existing equality legislation \Grounds Field RaceReligionDisabilityAgeSexual orientatio n Sex Employment & vocationa l training Yes + Equality body Yes Yes + Equality body EducationYes + Equality body No Goods and services Yes + Equality body No Yes + Equality body Social protection Yes + Equality body No Yes + EB part

1- The 2008 proposal for an Equal Treatment Directive  July 2008  Prohibit discrimination  Based on disability, age, religion and sexual orientation  In Social protection (social security, healthcare), Education and Access to goods and services available to the public  AND for persons with disabilities: Accessibility and reasonable accommodation  except if entail a disproportionate burden  April 2009, EP resolution endorsing proposal  Stalemate in the Council … several MSs

2 - The New Commission - A political committment "Discrimination must have no place in our Union (…). I will therefore maintain the proposal for a directive in this field and seek to convince national governments to give up their current resistance in the Council." [and adopt it, …] - A Commissioner for "Gender Equality" Mission letter

3 – Negotiations - state of play  EPSCO Council December 2014  No to the enhanced cooperation procedure  Yes to Directive with complete scope  MT and CZ Rep. general support  New dynamic …  And the future ?