Buckstone Primary School School Improvement Plan Summary A copy of the full Standards and Quality Report and the full Improvement Plan are available on our website or in the school office. Parents are welcome to view this at any time. Improvements in performance We have worked to include more pupil dialogue and ownership of evidence in our Personal Learning Portfolios. Our work on metacognition and on implementing “outstanding formative assessment” has impacted positively on children’s attitudes and achievements. What are we going to do next? Continue to work on improving our pedagogy by embedding further formative assessment elements Create a literacy progression to include more challenge (including grammar and spelling) Investigate our maths programmes and assessments to close the gap between literacy and numeracy Continue work on metacognition, developing learning powers and helping our children to understand how they learn. Continue to develop differentiation and feedback to support all learners. Explore ways to offer wider and more meaningful opportunities for pupil voice Ensure our new staff members are fully confident in procedures and progressions Learners’ Experiences Children have been given opportunities to work independently and collaboratively. We introduced the concept of Learning Powers which has enabled children to have a clearer understanding of how to develop their learning. Children benefit significantly from the extensive range of high quality activities that are planned and delivered. What are we going to do next? Ensure all new staff are trained and using cooperative learning and group work strategies. Continue to develop differentiation and feedback to support all learners. Continue e-learning journals in nursery and introduce to P1. Work towards Rights Respecting School level two award. Review progression of Cool in School programme to include ‘What’s Going On?’ in P7. Meeting Learners’ Needs There is very effective direct and interactive teaching in almost all classes and well-structured lessons include a wide range of high quality tasks, activities and assessments. Staff fully embrace responsibility for all learners in their class and they liaise with specialist staff from a variety of agencies. The review and restructure of the support for learning team has allowed for more focus and flexibility in meeting the learning needs of the lowest 20%. Our pupil support assistants are carefully timetabled to ensure learners’ needs are met appropriately. We have identified PSA training needs and plan to continue to develop a regular training programme. What are we going to do next? Develop online standardised testing as an element of our assessment to support planning for learning, specifically in maths. Develop skills progression for ICT. PSA training programme to be continued and developed. The Curriculum This session we revisited our curricular programmes and made minor changes. The programmes ensure consistency and enable us to track coverage and progression. What are we going to do next? We have identified the need to formalise our grammar progressions and to develop our spelling progression to ensure our more able spellers are challenged. We will continue to highlight the need for appropriate differentiation and develop more opportunities for children to choose the way in which they demonstrate their learning. We will continue to share our learners’ journeys with stakeholders on our curricular overview display. Staff will take part in cluster maths moderation activities All staff to be trained in Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning to further promote pupil understanding of mathematical concepts. Improvement through Self Evaluation We are continuing to develop a culture of self-evaluation. Learning partnerships have been established to encourage focused observations and professional dialogue. Staff look critically at the learner’s experience and modify their practice appropriately. What are we going to do next? Introduce e-learning journals into P1. Develop sharing practice to include observation at different stages. Respectful Responsible Resourceful Resilient ReflectiveReflective