Trends in the global wind energy market Rüsselsheim, Stefan Schilling
Trends in the global wind energy market Agenda 1.Wind energy converter (WEC) 2.Wind conditions in Germany 3.Trends in the global market 4.Outlook + new challenges 5.Discussion 1/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 1. Wind energy converter (WEC) Enercon E-82 rotor diameter: 82m hub height: 79 – 137m rated power: 3MW Remember: 1MW ~ energy for househoulds ~ people 2/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 1. Wind energy converter (WEC) 1. Foundation (steel + concrete) 3/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 1. Wind energy converter (WEC) 2. Tower (steel or concrete) 3/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 1. Wind energy converter (WEC) 3. Nacelle (gearless or gear-box) 3/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 1. Wind energy converter (WEC) 4. Rotor blades (epoxy resin) 3/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 4/12 1. Wind energy converter (WEC) 1980 2005 rotor diameter 8x hub hight 4x 170x more power of WEC 500x more energy output
Trends in the global wind energy market 2. Wind conditions in Germany 5/12 reference wind: 80m 6,4m/s
Trends in the global wind energy market Niedersachsen WECs Brandenburg WECs Sachsen 805 WECs Baden - Württemberg 363 WECs 2. Wind conditions in Germany Hessen 603 WECs 6/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 3. Trends in the golbal market 340 TWh = total electricity demand of Italy 7/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 3. Trends in the golbal market Wind capacity doubles every 3 years New countries start with wind energy: Mexiko Marocco New Zeeland 8/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 3. Trends in the golbal market every 2 nd WEC in USA, China or Germany trend of diversification continues 2004: 24 countries with cap. 100 MW 2009: 35 countries with cap. 100 MW 10 times more capacity in 10 years 9/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 4. Outlook + new challenges Offshore wind turbines new technology new electrical grids required high installation costs maintenance difficult bigger wind farms possible better wind conditions few countries (12) development required hugh potential 10/12
Trends in the global wind energy market 4. Outlook + new challenges Before: Capacity of wind farm: 5 MW number of WECs: 13 Repowering Replace older and smaller WEC‘s by bigger WEC with more capacity. 50% less WEC‘S and 50% more profit 11/12 After: Capacity of wind farm: 15 MW number of WECs: 5
Trends in the global wind energy market 5. Discussion 12/12 larger turbines noise collision birds spoil the view NIMBY wind free to use clean energy jobs decentral power generation
Trends in the global wind energy market Thank you for your attention and have a good time in Germany!