How to convert the contents into address book 2/2000
Introduction When you have received the s on the school team accounts of our school, you could put them into address books for later use. This brief presentation shows you the procedures.
Procedures Say, you have received an on the schoolteam accounts 1.Open the by double click on the title
2. Select the schoolteam accounts by left click the mouse button at the beginning, while still holding the button, drag the mouse to the end of the accounts
3. Copy the selected contents into clipboard by Crtl+c or go to the tool bar, [ 編輯 ], [ 複製 ]
4. Then go to address book by pressing [ 通訊錄 ]
5. Press on [ 新增通訊錄 ]
6. In [ 名稱 ], type in the address book’s name, say here in our demo, it is “1A” 7. In [ 電郵地址 ], press Crtl+v or [ 編輯 ], [ 貼上 ]. The formerly copied accounts would be copied to here
The result will look like this 8. Press [ 儲存 ]
How to use the added address book After saving the address book, you could use it to send s to all the accounts inside in just one batch.
Procedures 1.[ 郵件 ] 2.[ 撰寫郵件 ]
3. Type in the address book’s name in [ 收件者 ]. Then continue with ordinary writing procedures