MAPping professional collaboration: the challenges and benefits of professional teamwork to develop an online toolkit Presenters: Jane Roberts, Leanne Kendrick Health Libraries Group Conference 2014 Thursday 24 th July
Outline of presentation What is MAP? History of the project Getting things done when you’re miles apart Benefits and challenges of collaboration
What is MAP?
MAPping the project 2008 The MAP toolkit is born 2010 Toolkit is presented at HLG content editors are recruited to the project The toolkit is moved over to a new Wordpress site 2014 National launch event in Birmingham Presenting at HLG 2014
Who’s Involved? The Steering Group Tracey Pratchett Clinical Librarian, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust Victoria Treadway Clinical Librarian, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Tracy Owen Library Resources Manager, Cheshire and Merseyside CSU Jane Roberts Outreach Librarian, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Who’s Involved? The Content Editors Shrewsbury Health Library Peterborough NHS Laxton Library University Hospital of North Staffordshire Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Re-launching the MAP toolkit Planning Delivery Feedback
Getting things done… …when you’re miles apart
Use of Technology Teleconferenc ing List
Teleconference Used for: Planning launch event, distributing work, discussing new procedures, troubleshooting. Set up by a member of the steering group. Pros: cheap, convenient Cons: technological issues, etiquette, building rapport.
Mailing List Used for: Horizon scanning for new drivers, setting up dates for teleconferences and general discussion. JISCmail list Pros: cheap, share lots of information easily. Cons: Cluttered inbox, keeping up with discussions.
Used for: Planning launch event, planning this presentation, general discussion before mailing list set up. Daily correspondence between presenters in lead up to HLG Pros: Quick, easy to share ideas/documents Cons: difficult to conduct discussions
Working and Communicating from a distance TechnologyFace to Face CheaperMore personal ConvenientHelps break down barriers Learn new skills- teleconferencing Easier to discuss more complex ideas in person
MAPping the benefits…and challenges Reasons for joining the project New skills and knowledge Benefits of collaboration Challenges to working remotely
Conclusion & Next Steps… Successes Benefits Challenges Next steps
Thank You Any Questions? Contact us for more information on the project: Visit the MAP toolkit at:
Comments from the content editors I found the face to face meeting in March fabulous. I think meeting everyone breaks down some barriers and some things are easier to discuss in person. It was easier to discuss how to add drivers to the Wordpress site [at the launch event]. Practical session wouldn’t have been possible over the phone or via . Benefits of collaborating on a national project include meeting new people/networking. We all do similar yet different jobs in the NHS and it’s good to see how others work and share best practice.
Acknowledgements The presenters would like to acknowledge Tracey Prattchet who provided content for slides 5-6. Images Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Sourced through Wikimedia Creative Commons) 7March2011.jpg 7March2011.jpg Two islands (sourced through Flickr CC) fxoJMV-fxD1w7-fxoFqp-fxoDxH-fxmV7p-fxCHjm-6JXpiC-aNefuF-6TGHnU-nERVDZ-nZ8VQK-nERUzz-aBrfv4-5QXvPu- mZWDbD-b7QYMc-juV6u-apCJ7T-5DjfE2-h9ksjp-h9mG5r-4WqjAU-ch1wQu-bAEbVU-5t3YMB-e6MSd-fsLBYv-jwaD14- 9oJuyG-8iwxL6-8g4zxf-ncbLpx-fyW34-9VdGTT-9ywRj9-ehi9FT-nKNZae-5c1wYS-nAzNcm-6TUa-6gQ19p-6gQkUT- 6gQ2wx-8WRQGj-89n5zh-94SUjF-5cZtuA-89heXm/ fxoJMV-fxD1w7-fxoFqp-fxoDxH-fxmV7p-fxCHjm-6JXpiC-aNefuF-6TGHnU-nERVDZ-nZ8VQK-nERUzz-aBrfv4-5QXvPu- mZWDbD-b7QYMc-juV6u-apCJ7T-5DjfE2-h9ksjp-h9mG5r-4WqjAU-ch1wQu-bAEbVU-5t3YMB-e6MSd-fsLBYv-jwaD14- 9oJuyG-8iwxL6-8g4zxf-ncbLpx-fyW34-9VdGTT-9ywRj9-ehi9FT-nKNZae-5c1wYS-nAzNcm-6TUa-6gQ19p-6gQkUT- 6gQ2wx-8WRQGj-89n5zh-94SUjF-5cZtuA-89heXm/ Phones (Sourced through Flickr) 534ACe-6ZLBjq-m7ud9H-EKjeW-jXYhH8-5Hmqe3-AKsiJ-dmQHG8-vw5of-jAjmLF-e7qWGY-ggvqp7-dkA5W4-jzQZaZ- 51nniq-57pb1e-9iA5US-4taLbS-mQcKGy-hbuigA-8QVX7D-5XPvfp-9H4h4q-7hdwWu-J3AHq-8jFu1H-2J62q-imGKCv- mYXrrR-bCzB5W-niNEYS-dkbMYJ-dRF8fi-8jFmae-e7DKfP-7JLwLw-xmujP-38zcLL-bQsuV-9CErZb-x6h7X-8GD1fN- 534ACe-6ZLBjq-m7ud9H-EKjeW-jXYhH8-5Hmqe3-AKsiJ-dmQHG8-vw5of-jAjmLF-e7qWGY-ggvqp7-dkA5W4-jzQZaZ- 51nniq-57pb1e-9iA5US-4taLbS-mQcKGy-hbuigA-8QVX7D-5XPvfp-9H4h4q-7hdwWu-J3AHq-8jFu1H-2J62q-imGKCv- mYXrrR-bCzB5W-niNEYS-dkbMYJ-dRF8fi-8jFmae-e7DKfP-7JLwLw-xmujP-38zcLL-bQsuV-9CErZb-x6h7X-8GD1fN- 9dCWhm-5q8weZ-4uQb3a-8uJLNN-4t6FnK-7ULvZP Mail boxes (Sourced through Flickr CC)- fk8K1j-97oRf-ESeY-d93UjS-DByes-axiA8-925cJ3-4AAxan-5aZV1E-4DZ55a-8abrwu-9NpjrU-j8WwXJ-4Bvqr2-95bpVw- coVRPQ-4pyLz2-7WNDjo-4ijWDh-mi8wvt-9NpixY-6524K8-8hMeLU-sGBRy-aU9hup-9rtF3W-9NmyGv-9bFjzb-6DS2uj- 8pQG5q-5RPqQV-k2Ny93-aTV9UK-6ETn8P-bfXfMR-9Zcpgs-5QPeEc-dvMSq-6tSHmt-6eV6n8-5qxo7-4Mb7PP-7BtsdB- 5Xvnkz-2VMhbK-4kmLrF-dhhART-6HE2svhttps:// fk8K1j-97oRf-ESeY-d93UjS-DByes-axiA8-925cJ3-4AAxan-5aZV1E-4DZ55a-8abrwu-9NpjrU-j8WwXJ-4Bvqr2-95bpVw- coVRPQ-4pyLz2-7WNDjo-4ijWDh-mi8wvt-9NpixY-6524K8-8hMeLU-sGBRy-aU9hup-9rtF3W-9NmyGv-9bFjzb-6DS2uj- 8pQG5q-5RPqQV-k2Ny93-aTV9UK-6ETn8P-bfXfMR-9Zcpgs-5QPeEc-dvMSq-6tSHmt-6eV6n8-5qxo7-4Mb7PP-7BtsdB- 5Xvnkz-2VMhbK-4kmLrF-dhhART-6HE2sv Cat on stairs (Sourced through Google Images)- 09Aug /media/PHO-09Aug jpg 09Aug /media/PHO-09Aug jpg