ZU students as critical thinkers Preferred learning styles –Surface learning –Structured learning –Rote learning –Memorizing
ZU students as critical thinkers Preferred learning styles –Deep learning –Understanding –Mastery –Conclusions using evidence –Supported arguments and explanations
Surface learning Learning means making sure you remember things well: 81% very or quite close to my beliefs Learning means building up knowledge through facts and information: 96% very or quite close to my beliefs
Deep learning Learning means developing as a person: 96% very or quite close to my beliefs Learning means understanding new ideas and information for yourself: 100% very or quite close to my beliefs Learning means seeing things in a different and more meaningful way: 90% very or quite close to my beliefs
Surface teaching I prefer teachers who tell us exactly what to put in our notes (90% like or definitely like) I prefer assignments or tests which need only the material provided in our classes (88% like or definitely like) I prefer readings which give me definite information and facts which can easily be learned (95% like or definitely like)
Deep teaching I prefer teachers who encourage us to think for ourselves and show us how they think: 94% like or definitely like I prefer courses which expect us to find new reading and ideas for ourselves: 95% like or definitely like I prefer assignments or exams which allow me to show I have thought about the course material myself: 72% like or definitely like.
Teaching for critical thinking Teaching challenges Strategies to teach or encourage critical thinking Describing for students what critical thinking is Defining assessment criteria for critical thinking
Grading for critical thinking ZULO description Using surface and deep learning ideas SOLO taxonomy –Prestructural level –Unistructural level –Multistructural level –Relational level –Extended abstract level
Students as critical thinkers Examples of student work Complex tasks requiring the expression of a point of view with reasons/explanation Content: about effective parenting or about strategies for control and discipline of children.