Several networks Relay race Few goods went from one side to other 6 months Camel caravans Exports, imports Several civilizations
Exchanges Social, political
Fall of Han India – Gupta Fragmentation, disunity
Causes? 2 nd cent. Pop. Decline Less conquest = less $$$ Plague Germanic invasion
Results? Germanic kingdoms emerge Civilization declines Christian unity
Christianity and Buddhism Focus on spiritual Monastic movements Afterlife Religious life
Christianity and Buddhism Differences: Hierarchy Missions Exclusive truth
Review Jewish reform movement Simplicity Tenets One loving god Christ's sacrifice Paul of Tarsus
Approx. 10% of empire by 300 Constantine legalizes Christianity West Bishops
Augustine Philosopher Important in forming Christian theology Confessions Logic + philosophy
Monasticism Benedict Benedictine Rule, 6th century
India Diffusion
S.E. Asia
Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 BuddhismHinduism
Societies interact Consequences?