Make effort to speak French / Spanish at all times. Be on time and in your seat, ready for the warm up, when the bell rings. Come prepared ( homework done and with material) and with an open mind. Be respectful of each other: when participating in class, when performing in dialogues, when sharing ideas and opinions. French / Spanish class expectations
A 3 ring binder with 5 dividers for the following sections: homework, grammar, vocabulary, cultural and miscellaneous information. Notebook to take notes in class. 3X5 notecards Bring your textbook and workbook to each class. * Your textbook must be covered. 5 free points for the 1 st week! Supplies
No cell phones are to be used in class. They should be turned off.
Phone will be confiscated and put in the “cell phone jail” Loss of participation points for the day. Call or to parents Notification to the main office Consequences for texting in class
Tests and projects: 30% Quizzes: 20% Homework: 20% Oral: (participation, behavior, effort and readiness): 30% Grades MP 1,3
Tests and projects: 22.5% Quizzes: 15% Homework: 15% Oral: (participation, behavior, effort and readiness): 22.5% The midterm and final count as 25% (January midterm covers material from Sep-Jan June Final covers material from Feb-June) Grades MP 2,4
Reflects your performance in: Your preparation for class Your adherence to class rules and your cooperation with everyone in class Your attentiveness and effort to speak French/ Spanish daily Your willingness to volunteer for extra duties Class participation ( 30% /25%)
1 Quiz a week 1 Test a month If you miss a quiz or test, you must make it up within a week of your return. Quizzes and tests
You will have homework every day, about 20min. Each homework is worth 5 points. If you don’t have the homework when you come to class, you will not get credit for it. Homework that is collected will be announced and graded on a different scale. The purpose of homework is to practice what we have seen in class. Faites vos devoirs c’est obligatoire! Homework policy (20%/ 15%)
1) Have a discussion with your teacher to be clear on assignments and material missed. If you are absent for one day, you have one day to make up the work unless special circumstance. If absent, two days, you have 2 days to make up the work…etc If absent for a week for sickness, discuss with your teacher a plan of action and what assignments need to be made up to make sure you continue to be successful. Unplanned absence (sickness for example):
Student is responsible to make up the work that is missed. A prior discussion with the teacher is necessary. Planned absence:
- No bathroom break unless it is an emergency. You have plenty of time to go between classes. - Library or guidance pass must be written prior to class - Nurse pass must be shown Passes
The purpose of clinic is to help students catch up on work they missed and /or review before a test / quiz and give them a chance to be more successful. Don’t wait until the day before the test if you are struggling! Clinic hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:15-3pm (room 106)