SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS By Sabrina Fiorini & Alexandra Bosch
There are three dimensions of science that are important when understanding science process skills: First Dimension includes: Content of Science Basic concepts Our scientific knowledge
Second Dimension of Science Process of Doing Science: Ask questions Used in our daily lives Provides skills for the future Used in every area of life
Third Dimension of Science Science Attitudes: Curiosity Imaginative Enthusiastic about questions Enthusiastic about solving problems
Teaching Respect for Science Methods and Values: Seeking to answer questions Using evidence Realizing importance of rechecking data Understanding science theories can change Understanding science knowledge can change
Six Basic Process Skills: Observation Communication Classification Measurement Inference Prediction
Six Basic Process Skills Are integrated together Are also important individually Can be in logical order Observation and communication (Younger Students) Inference and Predication (Older Students)
Observation Fundamental science process skills Use of the five senses: 1.Seeing 2.Hearing 3.Touching 4.Smelling 5.Tasting
Classification Classify: Places Objects Ideals Events Generate: Lists Tables Charts
Measurement Such as: Length in meters Volume in Liters Mass in grams Force in Newton's Temperature in degrees Celsius
Communication May include: Oral Written Mathematical Organizing Ideas using: Visual representations Appropriate vocabulary Mathematical equations
Inference Explanations or interpretations Follows an observation Differs from an observation Can be modified Are continuously being constructed
Predicting Making an educated guess Forecasting future observations Based on observation Based on inferences Correct predictions Provide confidence in the inference
Experiment Testing a Hypothesis Manipulation and control of independent variables. Effects on dependant variables Interpret and present results Integrate process skills Report
Inquiry Includes: Asking questions Formulating a procedure Gathering empirical data Drawing conclusions based on data Carries out scientific thinking
Examples of Science Process Activities Shaking a sealed can (Grades 1-2) Circuit game (Grade 3) Dice-in-a-box (Grade 4) Pattern experiments (Grades 5-8) Build your own lava lamp
Integrated Science Process Skills Formulating hypotheses Identifying variables Defining variables operationally Describing relationships between variables Designing investigation Experimenting
Integrated Science Process Skills Continued… Acquiring data Organizing data in tables and graphs Analyzing investigations and their data Understanding cause and effect relationships Formulating models
LAB SAFETY!!! Distinguish “safe” vs. “unsafe” behaviors Identify safety symbols Evaluate situations Identify the proper techniques Handel lab emergencies Use appropriate lab equipment
Bibliography Lancour, K. (n.d.). Training Guide. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from /sci_olympiad/pslsl_training_hammond.pdf Science Process Skills: Classifying. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from ills.htm Teaching The Science Process Skills. (2007, June 12). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from