MG Orender Honorary President, PGA of America
Corporate Golf & Leagues
Executive Summary 74% of Play Golf America facilities offer player development leagues/outings/events74% of Play Golf America facilities offer player development leagues/outings/events Combined, Play Golf America host sites reached estimated 4.9 million through organized play programsCombined, Play Golf America host sites reached estimated 4.9 million through organized play programs Created Play Golf America League tool kit to provide facilities with a variety of ideas/formatsCreated Play Golf America League tool kit to provide facilities with a variety of ideas/formats used to host league and corporate golf used to host league and corporate golf programs EWGA serves as successful model for both leagues and corporate golfEWGA serves as successful model for both leagues and corporate golf
Target Groups 1.Avid / Core Golfers –Appointment golf, commitment –Competitive –Complete golf experience: 9 or 18 holes 2.New / Occasional Golfers –Flexible –Social and casual –Unique formats of 9 or fewer holes of golf
Best Practice League Ideas “Stress Free” Beginner League –Offered as transition from lesson tee to golf course –Generated 10,000 rounds and $100,000 over 6 years Monday Senior League –Targeted local Senior Centers –Grew from an average of 12 to 100 senior golfers each Monday
Leagues EWGA - Augusta Chapter –63 Events posted (52 Leagues/Scrambles) –354 Registrants Glen Eagle Golf Course –Posted 48 events on –Highlight: “Thursday Night Blind Draw” league Averaged 34 registrantsAveraged 34 registrants Los Lagos Golf Course – “Graduates & Guests” –2 Years of First Swing Grads – 162 in Database –Averaging 13.5 Players
EWGA Dedicated to teach women to learn, play and enjoy golf for business and lifeDedicated to teach women to learn, play and enjoy golf for business and life 32 EWGA Chapters posted 390 different events on in EWGA Chapters posted 390 different events on in 2005 Pilot EWGA Link Up 2 Golf program conducted by 21 chapters and their host sitesPilot EWGA Link Up 2 Golf program conducted by 21 chapters and their host sites EWGA members have a significant impact on golf spending an average of $3,541 on golf during the year or $577,000 per chapterEWGA members have a significant impact on golf spending an average of $3,541 on golf during the year or $577,000 per chapter
Corporate Golf Attributes Traditional Outings, leaguesTraditional Outings, leagues New Employee learn to golf effortsNew Employee learn to golf efforts 2005 Programs Club Car ModelClub Car Model US Bank – Link Up 2 GolfUS Bank – Link Up 2 Golf
Northern Ohio Section PGA “Introduction to Corporate Golf” Initiated winter of Initiated winter of Promoted through local radio and newspapersPromoted through local radio and newspapers 4 Hour Programs brought to corporations4 Hour Programs brought to corporations –Orientations to golf –Corporate Golf Outings –Golf’s Life & Business Skills Marketed to executives / HRMarketed to executives / HR –Corporate Outings –Leagues
Future Promote Play Golf America LeaguesPromote Play Golf America Leagues Create a “Corporate Golf” Program Tool KitCreate a “Corporate Golf” Program Tool Kit Expand use of landing pages for corporationsExpand use of landing pages for corporations Best Practices for Corporate GolfBest Practices for Corporate Golf