Strategy Quotes
Strategy is about making the right choices. Implementation is about talking the right actions. Robin Speculand, Author & Speaker
“In my now forty-plus years in business, I have found that most leaders do not like to make choices. They'd rather keep their options open. Choices force their hands.” A.G. Lafley Former CEO P&G
"Strategy renders choices about what not to do as important as choices about what to do” Michael Porter
“Ultimately, strategy is a way of thinking, not a procedural exercise or a set of frameworks.” Phil Rosenzweig, Professor, IMD, Switzerland
Good strategies are long on detail and short on vision. They lay out multi-year plans in great quantitative detail. These plans are then reviewed regularly and become, in a sense, the driving force behind everything the company does.” Louis V. Gerstner Former CEO of IBM
“Almost no consensus exits about what corporate strategy is, much less about how a company should formulate it.” Michael Porter
“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” Sir Winston Churchill
“Ultimately, strategy is a way of thinking, not a procedural exercise or a set of frameworks.” Phil Rosenzweig, Professor, IMD, Switzerland
“We have a ‘strategic’ plan. It’s called doing things.” Herb Kelleher, Former CEO of Southwest Airlines
“Strategy is 10 per cent vision and 90 per cent execution. Percy Barnevik, Chairman of ABB
“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” Michael LeBoeuf
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Napoleon Bonaparte
“Every advantage is temporary.” Katerina Stoykova Klemer
Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. Norman Schwarzkopf
“Ultimately, strategy is a way of thinking, not a procedural exercise or a set of frameworks.” Phil Rosenzweig, Professor, IMD, Switzerland
“There's only one growth strategy: work hard.” William Hague
"The real challenge in crafting strategy lies in detecting subtle discontinuities that may undermine a business in the future. And for that there is no technique, no program, just a sharp mind in touch with the situation." Henry Mintzberg
“If you can’t describe your strategy in twenty minutes, simply and in plain language, you haven’t got a plan. ‘But,’ people may say, ‘I’ve got a complex strategy. It can’t be reduced to a page.’ That’s nonsense. That’s not a complex strategy. It’s a complex thought about the strategy.” Larry Bossidy
“If you are shooting for second place, your strategy is determined by the leader.” Al Ries and Jack Trout
Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy. Rudy Giuliani
“The company without a strategy is willing to try anything.” Michael Porter
“Strategy is about making choices, trade- offs; it's about deliberately choosing to be different.” Michael Porter
“Strategy is only as good as its implementation.” Robin Speculand, Author & Speaker