Your Google Account is already set up! Just WRITE DOWN your “Username” & “Password” in your ISN notebook, on the last page, for quick access. YOU WILL USE YOUR GOOGLE USERNAME & PASSWORD FOR MOST OF YOUR ON-LINE ACCOUNTS.
TECHNOLOGY Write down name of website/account and SCHOOL Google Mail Address: (like this) Google Mail Account: Username: Password: ds195900
Go to – Click on "Student" to create a new account – ONLY IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE YET! If you already have an Edmodo account from last year, just click on the “+” sign at “Join Class” - SHARP’S SCIENCE (a “class join code” should appear - 2dqfkk) Enter teacher's "Class Join Code“ (WRITE IT IN YOUR NOTEBOOK) Enter USERNAME: same as Google Mail USERNAME OR first initial last initial ID# (ex: ds11111) * Enter PASSWORD: same as Google Mail PASSWORD * Enter Address: student * Enter First & last name * Click “JOIN FOR FREE” * Now you are automatically enrolled into my class * Click on “Folders” to access the files you need CREATE AN ACCOUNT WITH EDMODO
TECHNOLOGY Write down address of website/account: Username: (if this doesn’t work, enter this: first initial last initial ID#) Password: ds195900
Mrs. Sharp’s Website Check here for Unit Plans, Announcements & Important Information All assignments & other documents can be found at: To Access Mrs. Sharp’s Website: Type: Click on: Schools Click on: Rodeo Palms JHS Click on: Faculty – Ann Sharp
TEAMS Check your grades, tardies, attendance & more Go to Click on “Students” link. Click on the “Teams Student Self-Serve” link located on the left hand side of page. Click on “New Users” Fill in all information. You can find student ID number on schedule, progress report and/or report card. Click on “Submit”. If you have any problems, please contact the front office at RPJH:
QUIA - On-line Quizzes, Games & Activities Type: Click in blue box – “QUIA Web” In brown box, “STUDENTS”, Teacher’s first name: Ann Teacher’s last name: Sharp Click on “MRS. SHARP” You are now at my PROFILE where you can select an activity: test, quiz, or game. *Set up your account with the USERNAME & PASSWORD given to you by your teacher. WRITE THIS DOWN IN THE BACK OF YOUR NOTEBOOK! TAKE A PICTURE OF IT TOO!