Columbia University
Data source LibQUAL Service Quality Survey –Administered on a three-year cycle since 2003 –Adequacy Gap Scores from the 22 core questions –Adequacy Gap Score = Perceived Score – Minimum Score
Cornell Liaison Institute
Overall Core 22 Item Score - Faculty
Affect of Service Dimension Score - Faculty
Information Control Dimension Score - Faculty
Library as Place Dimension Score - Faculty
Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office
A library website enabling me to locate information on my own
The printed library materials I need for my work
The electronic information resources I need
Modern equipment that let’s me easily access needed information
Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own
Making information easily accessible for independent use
Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work
Open-ended question sentiment analysis PositiveNegativeNeutralMixed 1. Affect of Service Information Control Library as Space General About the Survey Total
“The specialist support is excellent.“ Assistant Professor, History
Quality of Resources: Excellent; Quality of Librarians: Outstanding; Quality of Facilities: Excellent. Professor, Sciences
The librarians (from Butler, TC, Science and Engineering, Digital Humanities Center, and RBML) who've helped me with teaching and research projects have been consistently smart, responsive, and fantastic. I can't say enough about what great partners they are. Lecturer, Humanities
I'm extremely grateful to Butler for being at the forefront of the digital humanities, and for enabling me to do my research and writing from everywhere in the world. Professor, Humanities
Columbia libraries are a gold mine to me and I greatly appreciate the materials I can get access to and the assistance I get as and when needed. Adjunct Faculty, International and Public Affairs
The things I am most worried about are: de- accession of print publications, moving books offsite, and repurposing library space for either study spaces and digital projects. Everybody, myself included, likes digital resources, but to me a library is a place that houses BOOKS. Keep Butler this way! Professor, Humanities
Potential areas of impact Independence and sufficiency Interface Discovery Self sufficiency Independence