Leadership Boards…. Do you have a LOVE Connection?? March 13, 2013
conference Overview Introductions Session Goals Case Study Review Questions and Answers
Board Fundamentals Clear Mission (KNOW YOUR GOAL!) 3 M’s…. Members Marketing Maintain (advocacy)
marketplace Overview WHERE’S EVERYONE GOING?
a case Study Aging Well Project: Mission: To create an environment in which older adults can age well Part of a national project funded nationally by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and locally by various foundations
a case Study Aging Well Project: Local Structure: Area agency on aging (fiscal agent) Governing Council Community Action teams (CAT) Workgroups
a case Study Aging Well Project: Challenges and Opportunities: * Doing to older adults vs. doing with them * Older adult driven vs. agency driven * Balanced representation * Relationship between council and individual agencies * Support/Presence from the top * Fund Development * Sustainability
a case Study Aging Well Project: Lessons Learned: * Mission matters and FOCUS IS CRITICAL! * Execution trumps strategy * Leadership is crucial * Change comes hard * Know when to hold ‘em Know when to fold ‘em * Build a strong culture * Define the difference you want to make * Need top involvement/support * It is not about the money * Set measureable accomplishable goals * Make sure you have referral sources * Use existing assets where possible * Celebrate!!!
Some Common Questions: 1. How does an organization make the coalition have a lifespan perspective? 2. How do we sell people/organizations on the benefits of being part of the coalition? 3. What are some methods on sustaining board members (ie-leadership succession models)
Some Common Questions: Continued…… 4. How to energize & reenergize a coalition with only a handful of committed members?! 5. What is the role and responsibilities of the Board members? 6. How do we ensure that the Board members feel engaged and valued?
Ideal Board Member
knowing the Roles THE IDEAL BOARD MEMBER Why Chuck? >> He’s the connector. >> He evaluates the interests/characteristics of one party and introduces them to another party. >> He doesn’t tell them how to date, but offers his advice on how they might date better. >> If everyone likes each other, he pays for the 2 nd date!
adapting to Change CASE STUDY #1: MADONNA
adapting to Change CASE STUDY #1: Boy George
sphere of Influence ME SERVICE PROVIDERS Banker Car dealer Stock Broker Coffee Shop Landlord/Doorman Mechanic Store Clerk Waitress / Bartender SERVICE PROVIDERS Banker Car dealer Stock Broker Coffee Shop Landlord/Doorman Mechanic Store Clerk Waitress / Bartender COMMUNICATION Internet Groups Blogs/Personal Website Letters Telephone and Voic Text Messaging Online Social Networks COMMUNICATION Internet Groups Blogs/Personal Website Letters Telephone and Voic Text Messaging Online Social Networks PERSONAL ACTIVITIES Gym/Athletics Clubs/Associations Talents/Hobbies Leisure Activities Travel Transportation Alumni Groups PERSONAL ACTIVITIES Gym/Athletics Clubs/Associations Talents/Hobbies Leisure Activities Travel Transportation Alumni Groups WORK: PAST & PRESENT Co-workers Clients Networks and Connections Matching Gifts Space, Sponsor, In-kind Newsletter/ Other Company Comm. WORK: PAST & PRESENT Co-workers Clients Networks and Connections Matching Gifts Space, Sponsor, In-kind Newsletter/ Other Company Comm. FRIENDS: PAST & PRESENT Work Immediate Friends Extended Family Activities Connections College Contacts FRIENDS: PAST & PRESENT Work Immediate Friends Extended Family Activities Connections College Contacts COMMUNITY Local Businesses Community Centers Newspapers Worship (Bulletin, event space) COMMUNITY Local Businesses Community Centers Newspapers Worship (Bulletin, event space) NEIGHBORHOOD Associations Newsletters Neighbors Events Community Meetings Block Clubs/Neighborhood Groups NEIGHBORHOOD Associations Newsletters Neighbors Events Community Meetings Block Clubs/Neighborhood Groups SIGNIFICANT OTHER/ CHILDREN Work Friends In-laws School (PTA/Teachers) Activities (Personal, Work, School, Coaches) Connections SIGNIFICANT OTHER/ CHILDREN Work Friends In-laws School (PTA/Teachers) Activities (Personal, Work, School, Coaches) Connections FAMILY/RELATIVES Friends Their immediate friends Community (incl. worship) Network and Connections Personal Activities Work FAMILY/RELATIVES Friends Their immediate friends Community (incl. worship) Network and Connections Personal Activities Work