THE PHOENICIANS The Phoenicians –Lived between the Mediterranean and mountains of Lebanon Composed of city-states who were rivals: Tyre, Sidon, Byblos Local government was led by king; aristocratic oligarchies –Turned to industry and trade because of their meager lands By 2500 B.C.E., dominated trade in the Mediterranean basin Established colonies in Cyprus, Sicily, Spain, north Africa –Culturally they were part of the Mesopotamian/Cuneiform world Phoenicians were famous merchants –“Let the buyer beware” was Greek phrase about the Phoenicians –Specialized in purple dye, purple cloth, silver, gold –Carried goods of other peoples to distant lands Carthage –The chief Phoenician colony in North Africa was Carthage –Eventually became chief Phoenician city due to trade –An aristocratic republic run as an oligarchy. –Wealth based on trade; came to rule Spain, Sardinia –Army was build of mercenaries; navy was major war machine
ETRUSCANS The Etruscans –Probably migrated from Anatolia Conquered local peoples Formed ruling aristocracy –Dominated Italy from 8th to 5th centuries B.C.E. Expanded into Po River and South to Greeks Created first local civilization in Italy Etruscan City-States –12 leading city-states Were constantly at war Politically similar to Greek society Favored kings with aristocratic oligarchy –Etruscan Society Agriculture was very important Dominated trade in area; traded with Greeks Women seem to have had some rights in society Borrowed Greek alphabet; invented arch Religion was dark polytheism, superstitious
EARLY ROMAN STATE The early kingdom of Rome: 753 – 509 BCE –A small state arose of the Tiber River Legendary founders = Romulus and Remus People were Italics of the Latin tribe State was a kingdom with an Etruscan king Local Roman aristocracy resented Etruscan ruling style Expanded slowly and quietly for around 200 years –Easy access to the Mediterranean Trade routes led through Rome Traded with Greeks, Etruscans, Carthaginians and Kelts –Society Agriculture, warfare were typical Society dominated by aristocracy called patricians Religion borrowed heavily from Greeks, Etruscans