In modern day Lebanon. Next to the Mediterranean Sea. Never united as a country. Most important city- states were Sidon and Tyre.
Connected the Mediterranean Sea. Several routes crossed Central Asia and connected India through Afghanistan. Two sea routes began by crossing the Arabian Sea to ports on the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.
They traded goods from other lands. They were also known as superb crafts-people. The most desired Phoenician trade item was dyed red-purple cloth.
They mainly used ships for trading. Conducted an important transit trade. From the lands of the Euphrates and Tigris regular trade routes led to the Mediterranean.
The Phoenician system was phonetic Aleph and beth Greek Alphabet
Taught language with others. Used for trading and transactions.
Phoenicians were very successful throughout the world They were amazing traders and created a language that has now transformed into many languages that are known today. The End!