Wilson Memorial High School Forensic Team No, it’s not anything like CSI, but is just as much FUN!
What is Forensics? A team dedicated to individual and duo speaking events performed for competition. A team dedicated to individual and duo speaking events performed for competition. It is a VHSL event.
Why should I join? Provides important life-speaking skills. Provides important life-speaking skills. Meet fun and exciting people. Meet fun and exciting people. Win trophies and medals. Win trophies and medals. Impress colleges and employers. Impress colleges and employers. A chance to express yourself! A chance to express yourself! Just do IT! Just do IT!
What is the time commitment? Once you select your event, find your selection or write your speech, you should develop and individual practice schedule and then you will schedule time with either Mrs. Beam or Mr. Morris to refine your performance. Once you select your event, find your selection or write your speech, you should develop and individual practice schedule and then you will schedule time with either Mrs. Beam or Mr. Morris to refine your performance. There will also be team practice sessions and they will be scheduled as need. They will be after school until 4:30. No Friday practices. There will also be team practice sessions and they will be scheduled as need. They will be after school until 4:30. No Friday practices. Currently there is a All County Meet scheduled and VHSL Conference, Regional, and State Tournaments that are scheduled. Currently there is a All County Meet scheduled and VHSL Conference, Regional, and State Tournaments that are scheduled. There may be additional NFL opportunities. There may be additional NFL opportunities.
How do I secure my spot on the team? Currently we are recruiting for three spots in each event. Sign up with Mrs. Beam and Mr. Morris for your first choice of event. If more sign up for each event there may be a need for a “Speak Off.” A competition to see who will hold the top three spots.
What will practice include? Select piece and/or write speech for performance to include an introduction. Select piece and/or write speech for performance to include an introduction. –Revise wording / add content to speeches –Cut selection for time and flow. Perform speech/piece for coach/peers. Perform speech/piece for coach/peers. –Work on delivery and focal points. –Refine blocking and movement. Practice Impromptu and Extemporaneous speaking. Practice Impromptu and Extemporaneous speaking. The use of critiques to improve performance. The use of critiques to improve performance. A look at judging criteria and ballots. A look at judging criteria and ballots.
What can I expect at a meet? Generally there will be a couple of rounds where you will compete against students from other country or conference schools. You will have an opportunity to be judged by more than one person. Winning at Conference in either first or second place assures you a spot at Regional's, winning at Regional’s in first or second gets you into STATE.
How do I know which category to choose? StorytellingProsePoetry Solo Serious Dramatic & Humorous Dramatic Duo Serious Dramatic & Humorous Dramatic Original Oratory ImpromptuExtemporaneous Interpretation: Perform something by a published. Speech: Present an original speech either prepared, impromptuly, or extemporaneously. 10 Different Events!
Speech Categories… Oratory: Original speech on a worthwhile topic, 10 minutes, memorized, researched* Oratory: Original speech on a worthwhile topic, 10 minutes, memorized, researched* Examples may include: –Environmental issues –Media controversies –Humorous look into topics –Human Interest *May use two 4 X 6 note cards, no more than 150 words of quoted material.
Speech Categories … Impromptu: Topics include proverbs, ordinary objects, events, quotations and famous people. Select from three topics. No longer than 7 minutes to include prep time. May use one 4 X 6 note card with limited notes. Impromptu: Topics include proverbs, ordinary objects, events, quotations and famous people. Select from three topics. No longer than 7 minutes to include prep time. May use one 4 X 6 note card with limited notes. Extemporaneous: No longer than 7 minutes. Select from three topics. 30 minutes to prepare. May use one 4 X 6 note card. Extemporaneous: No longer than 7 minutes. Select from three topics. 30 minutes to prepare. May use one 4 X 6 note card. –Related to current events (news, politics, etc.) –Topics taken from Newsweek, Time and U. S. News and World Report
Interpretative Categories Prose: 10 minute selection. Prose: 10 minute selection. from quality prose literature which surrounds a specific theme or emotion. –Should be memorized, but must use a manuscript. Poetry: 10 minute selection. Poetry: 10 minute selection. of various quality poems or poem which surround a specific theme or emotion. –Should be memorized, but must use a manuscript.
Interpretative Categories … continued Storytelling: 10 minute children’s story. Storytelling: 10 minute children’s story. –Introduction and must be memorized. –Gestures are encouraged, but movement is limited. –Differentiated characters using voice, focal points and body postures.
Interpretative Categories … continued Solo Serious Dramatic Interpretaton & Humorous Dramatic Interpretaton: 10 minute memorized selection. Solo Serious Dramatic Interpretaton & Humorous Dramatic Interpretaton: 10 minute memorized selection. –Quality dramatic or humorous piece of literature. –From one selection. –Must be memorized with an introduction. –Differentiated characters using voice, focal points and body postures.
Interpretative Categories … Duo Serious Dramatic Interpretaton & Humorous Dramatic Interpretaton: 10 minute memorized selection. Duo Serious Dramatic Interpretaton & Humorous Dramatic Interpretaton: 10 minute memorized selection. –Quality dramatic or humorous piece of literature. –Performed by two performers who do NOT look at each other. –From one selection. –Must be memorized with an introduction. –Differentiated characters using voice, focal points and body postures.
Join NOW! Invite a friend to join. Invite a friend to join. Become part of the TEAM. Become part of the TEAM. Save the DATES! Save the DATES! –All County January 20, Snow date January 27, 2016 Conference and Regional TBA STATE April 2, 2016.