The Integration and Application of Resources for Distance Education Teaching Based on Distributed Technology Cheng Jiejing, Liu Xiaoxiao
Contents 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Impact 2. Impact 3.Model and process 3.Model and process 4. Integration and application 4. Integration and application 5. Conclusions 5. Conclusions
Introduction What is distributed technology? – Parallel Computing – Distributed Computing – Grid Computing
Introduction What is distributed technology? – Virtualization – Utility Computing – Iaas(Infrastructure as a Service ) – PaaS(Platform-as-a-Service ) – SaaS(Software as a Service )
Introduction Contents Contents
Impact –N–No.1: The sharing ways of teaching resources.
No.2: The organizing ways of teaching resources.
Impact – No.3: Teaching ideology
Impact – No.4: – No.5: Reduce the cost Offer economic application software customization
Impact – No.6: – No.7: Contents Contents Provide the reliable and safe data storage center Cause the educational information resources’ build and sharing to be more convenient
Model and process Distributed Technological Node Network Platform Service Registration Centre Distributed Distance Educational Portal Service Interfaces
Model and process Contents Contents Service Interfaces Othrer Distance Education Other Teaching Resources, Data User Services Education Services Research Services Library Services Teaching Reasources Research Reasources Literature Reasources
Integration and application Contents Contents programme existing distance education resources set distribtuted technology in virtual server and access server in distance system establish the sharing platform for the integretion and application of distance education resources based on distributed technology. The wireless access distance education system
Conclusions How What When How to integrate resources for distance education teaching based on distributed education? What do we need? When it will cometure?
2009 年 9 月