O BJECTIVES Describe the main branches of natural science and relate them to each other Describe the relationship between science and technology Distinguish between scientific laws and scientific theories Explain the roles of models and mathematics in scientific theories and laws
H OW DOES SCIENCE TAKE PLACE ? Scientists investigate Scientist plan experiments Scientists observe Scientists always test results
S CIENTISTS I NVESTIGATE How do scientists investigate? Observations using all of their senses Research Using tools & technology
S CIENTISTS PLAN EXPERIMENTS How do scientists plan experiments? Develop a hypothesis that can be tested Set up a control Collect data and record results accurately
Natural Science Biological Science BotanyZoologyEcology Physical Science PhysicsChemistry Earth Science GeologyMeteorology B RANCHES OF S CIENCE
T ECHNOLOGY Is a system of applied science It is also the means by which a society provides its members with those things needed and desired It allows us to do things more efficiently and effectively
L EONARDO D A V INCI How close was Da Vinci to modern technology with these devices?
S CIENTIFIC L AWS & T HEORIES Scientific Law: is the summary of many experimental observations and results Scientific Theory: is an explanation for specific phenomena that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning
Scientific laws & theories are supported by experimental results Scientific theories are always being questioned and examined. They must pass several tests in order to be considered valid S CIENTIFIC L AWS & T HEORIES
T ESTS FOR T HEORY V ALIDITY A theory must explain observations clearly and consistently Experiments that illustrate a theory must be repeatable You must be able to predict from the theory
L AW OR T HEORY ? Gravity Relativity Plate tectonics Conservation of energy Atoms Motion Gases Kinetic energy Evolution Law Theory Law Theory Law Theory
Q UALITATIVE S TATEMENTS VS. Q UANTITATIVE S TATEMENTS Qualitative statements describe in words something that you have seen many times Quantitative statements are usually mathematical equations
Model: a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept Models
T YPES OF S CIENTIFIC M ODELS Physical: models you can touch Mathematical: a model made up of math equations Conceptual: are a system of ideas or a comparison with familiar things Example: The Big Bang Theory What about computer models?
S UMMARY Scientist make objective observations Scientists confirm results by repeating experiments Scientists learn more by designing and conducting new experiments Scientific laws and theories are supported by repeated experiments and can change Models are used to represent real situations and make predictions