The world’s libraries. Connected. RDA & OCLC Cynthia M. Whitacre OCLC WorldCat Quality Management & Partner Content
The world’s libraries. Connected. New policy effective March 31, 2013 Announced January 11, Origins of the policy Discussion paper: Incorporating RDA Practices into WorldCat Member libraries’ comments on that paper Program for Cooperative Cataloging policy activities RDA in WorldCat
The world’s libraries. Connected. RDA is not required OCLC member libraries may contribute cataloging to WorldCat using any cataloging code that they are currently using. WorldCat continues to be a master record database One record per manifestation per language of cataloging Policy attempts to look forward to a post-MARC world Policy attempts to balance dual roles of WorldCat A catalog A repository of bibliographic data Key points
The world’s libraries. Connected. Code record correctly for whatever cataloging code and language of cataloging is used If the language of cataloging is English, consult the LC/NACO Authority File Use forms of access points found there, regardless of whether they are coded for RDA Control all controllable headings Adding new records
The world’s libraries. Connected. Not required to change non-RDA master records to RDA Do not change RDA master records to another cataloging code Working with existing records
The world’s libraries. Connected. You may upgrade AACR2 master records to RDA: You can upgrade a record with any Encoding Level Do so with the “piece in hand” Examine and adjust the entire record Working with existing records
The world’s libraries. Connected. You may add RDA elements to non-RDA master records without recoding: Add relator terms Spell out forms of abbreviations Add complete statements of responsibility Add 336/337/338 fields Working with existing records
The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC will retain GMDs where they exist for a period of 3 years (March 31, 2016) If you are editing an existing master record without updating to RDA, leave the GMD If you are updating an existing master record to RDA, remove the GMD General material designators
The world’s libraries. Connected. You may enter data in RDA master records with or without ISBD punctuation You may enter data in RDA master records following RDA capitalization instructions in Appendix A or following the alternative instruction in Appendix A.1 (and the related LC-PCC policy statement) Punctuation & capitalization
The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC plans to begin changing existing WorldCat records to incorporate useful RDA practices after March 31 Initially focused on English language of cataloging records Excludes records created according to specialized cataloging manuals such as DCRM and DACS Machine manipulation
The world’s libraries. Connected. Adding 336/337/338 fields Spelling out non-transcribed abbreviations Converting Latin abbreviations Converting dissertation notes Making changes to access points Bible and Koran headings Spelling out “Dept.” Other heading changes that are outlined in the PCC Task Group report Anticipated changes
The world’s libraries. Connected. Question: Would OCLC allow 040$beng IR record add to 040 $b chi master for the same manifestation? Hopefully master records # and # are not separated by language of cataloging; IRs like N5L, CYT and PULEA are listed under one master for the same manifestation even they may not have GLIMIR ID Answer: OCLC does not advise adding an IR to a record for a different language of cataloging. However, it is allowed. NON-RDA question for OCLC
The world’s libraries. Connected. Questions?