Small business needs While many larger organisations have sophisticated electronic document and record management systems, small businesses rely on a few employees with diverse responsibilities to manage their information. Although there are smaller document management software packages available, they do not offer the same automation as larger packages. As a result, employees in small firms are expected to have a greater knowledge and understanding of the requirements for managing workplace information so that compliance with all statutes and standards is maintained.
QUESTION With a partner, brainstorm the types of paper documents you use and access on a daily basis, for example, handouts from teachers or a bus ticket. In terms of your list, where and how are your paper documents kept? Are the numerous pieces of paper you receive in all of your different subjects filed into folders in a logical order? What about your paper files at home? Are they kept in a less-than-ideal location, such as under your bed?
Centralised locations In centralised locations, all of the business’s records are stored and managed in one records- management department. The advantages of this type of system include: efficient control, protection and security of all files in one location the development of standardised procedures cost-effective use of personnel efficient use of equipment reduction in operating costs.
Decentralised locations Decentralised locations are suited to businesses that require individual departments to retain and be responsible for their own records management. Although this has the advantage of records being readily accessible, the organisation’s use of time, space and money can be wasted on duplication of equipment, storage space and personnel if other departments require the same information to be stored. Advantages of a decentralised location include: immediate access to files by employees within the department quicker attention to customer enquiries files set up to suit individual departments. If a decentralised location is adopted, a person within the relevant Department should be appointed to establish procedures and coordinate the management of all records.
Question You have been appointed Information Advisor to a large organisation. When you arrive at the organisation, you are asked to prepare a report on the possibility of updating the existing information management system. At present, there are no set procedures but they do have an electronic document and records management system that is 10 years old, and everyone is responsible for their own management. There is a website that is maintained by the IT Dept. The organisation has several remote workers who constantly have to access information. The remote workers all have laptops and PDAs that have been purchased at various times over the past five years. At present, incoming mail is scanned and entered into the eDRMS by one person. examine the present system and outline a plan to achieve the best possible system to be implemented over the next three to five years.