Visualizing Financial Information The EFC Financial Dashboard Bill Jarocki, Director Environmental Finance Center Boise State University
A new approach for displaying information for decision makers
Financial Dashboard Improving the Concept of Using Information in Decision Making The idea is to engage the people who have the most impact on the financing of the water system; the governing boards and the general public.
Financial Dashboard: Goals and Concepts Design it for decision makers to help them understand the effects of their financial decisions on the sustainability of the water system. Create a new tool that is user friendly. The idea is to get rapid feedback on such issues as modifying rates, capital investment, asset replacement, and other fundamental financial management decisions. This is similar to the rapid feedback we receive from the gauges in an automobile dashboard. Provide information on external factors such as changes in the cost of materials and constructions costs. Use commonly generated information such as budgets, financial reports, and system performance indicators. Offered at no charge to communities.
EFC Financial Dashboard
Bill Jarocki Director Environmental Finance Center Boise State University 1910 University Drive Boise, ID (208)