NOTE If you and your parents are coming to conferences, I would like to hold on to your papers so that we have a tangible piece of your work in this class SOOOOO……give ‘em back I’ll return them at the end of our conference.
Conferences DON’T freak out!!!! You know you have plenty of opportunities to make your paper better I have failed you….slightly. I should have told you that “college essays” should actually be called called “college narratives” These “essays” should be stories that illuminate your topic I will call you up individually Come will questions We will talk about your paper, the rubric, and avenues by which to improve your paper You have two weeks (until Feb 25 th ) to submit revisions
What You Need to Do While Others are Conferencing 1) Read “The Short Story” and “Thinking About Plot” in your packet” (pages 1 and 2). 2) Read “A Good Man is Hard to Find” Annotate for plot structure AND character development HINT: the grandmother and the misfit Look at the questions at the end as well….answering them might just help you understand the story more fully 3) Read “Freytag on Plot” in your packet (pages 9 and 10)…these pages define the plot structure terms
What You Need to Do While Others are Conferencing (CONT) 4) Think about YOUR story What do you want to “discuss” (main idea) What is your comment on that main idea (author’s opinion) How will your characters embody that argument How will you show us your characters embodying that argument (8 facets of characterization) 5) Fill out your “Plot Diagram” graphic organizer (page 11) This is the basic frame of your story If you have questions, look at pages 9 and 10 in your packet 6) Fill out your “ Sequence of Events” graphic organizer (page 12) This takes your basic frame and makes it more specific