By: Jessie Doyen
Beautiful Coat Highly Intelligent Fiercely Loyal Do not shed as much
This breed is a good choice for anyone
$400+ per kitten
What Eats: Recommended feeding only premium dry cat food How Much: ¼ to ½ cup per feeding time Best way to feed it: 2 times a day but no free feeding
It is a good idea to keep them indoors
Main problem is getting them to fat To prevent do not feed to much
Small Easy to handle Requires little maintenance Cage cleanup fairly easy
Good for both beginning and experienced keepers alike
Python between $ Large cage around $90 Food and Bedding about $10 a month
Most eat rodents like gerbils, mice, and rice Should be pre killed Feed ounce per week
Ideal day time temp range for your snake is degrees Enclosure should have a basking spot, or warm end that is a higher temperature than rest of enclosure Habitats should be 30-gallon length or a 55 gallon terrarium
Problem 1 : Heat Warm side between degrees Other side between degrees Problem 2: Humidity Humidity in enclosure should not drop below 50% Problem 3: Substrate Choosing substrate not difficult Most popular bedding Aspen shavings Do not use cedar as toxic to all snakes
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