Online Interviews
Question 1: Selection Tools Future Use The selection techniques embodied in on-line interviewing will probably be used by employers a lot in the next 3-5 years. A.Strongly agree – use will grow extensively B.Agree – use will grow C.Not sure D.Disagree – the use will fade over time E.Strongly disagree – the use will die quickly
Question 2: Selection Tools Future Use On-line interview tools will eventually prove to be very popular among job applicants because it will save them much time in face- to-face interviews. A.Strongly agree – applicants use will grow extensively B.Agree – use will grow C.Not sure D.Disagree – the use will fade over time E.Strongly disagree – the use will die quickly
Question 3: Amount of Take-Away Value I feel that I learned a significant amount of new information from the this presentation. A.Strongly agree B.Agree C.I knew some of this already D.I knew most of this material already E.I knew all of this material before class
Question 4: Selection Topic Repeated? Should this topic be repeated in class next semester? A.Strongly agree – it should be used B.Agree – worthwhile C.Not sure D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree – not relevant
Packaging the Truth
Question 5 The "Packaging the Truth" presentation was... A.Extremely helpful B.Very helpful C.Moderately helpful but needs enhancement D.Too basic and not necessary E.Not helpful or useful; replace it
Question 6 The use of slides in "Packaging the Truth" was... A.An extremely helpful technique to use B.A helpful instructional technique C.A neutral instructional technique D.Not very important in my lecture recall E.Distracting and should not be shown with lecture
Question 7 The points covered in "Packaging the Truth" were... A.Extremely relevant B.Very relevant C.Relevant D.Not very relevant E.Not relevant at all
Question 8 The instructor was well prepared for class. A.Strongly agree B.Slightly agree C.agree D.Slightly disagree E.Strongly disagree