GYMNOSPERMS AND ANGIOSPERMS The exciting life of cone-bearing and flowering plants!
History of Gymnosperms 280 millions years ago, Earth’s climate changed. Long periods of drought and freezing weather caused spore-producing plants to become extinct, but some adapted and survived! THE GYMNOSPERMS!
What are GYMNOSPERMS? 1.Vascular plants that produce seeds on cones 2.Seeds are not protected by fruit 3.Do not produce flowers NAKED SEEDS!
Gymnosperms produce spores! Male cones Microspores Male Gametophyte Pollen (Sperm) Female cones Megaspores Female Gametophyte Egg Cell Sperm and egg eventually meet! NO water necessary!
Gametophyte Development Male Gametophyte - develops in pollen grains Female Gametophyte - develops in ovule
What happens next? After fertilization, the zygote develops into an embryo. Gymnosperm embryos have many Cotyledons Cotyledons are food-storage organs that become the plant’s first leaves
Gymnosperm Advantages! 1.Seeds have embryo w/food supply 2.Seeds are protected from harsh conditions by tough seed coat. 3.Seeds are adapted for dispersal so young plant does not have to compete with parent. 4.Fertilization does not require water
From cereal and fruit to cotton and linen… ANGIOSPERMS! -Most well-known plants on Earth -Have seeds, roots, leaves, stems, and FLOWERS and FRUIT!
Monocot vs Dicot MonocotDicot One seed leaf2 seed leaves Smaller groupMajority rules!
ANGIOSPERM ADAPTATIONS! 1) Roots and stems store food 2) Leaves of different shapes and sizes to respond to amount of sunlight and moisture available.
Life Span of Angiosperms ANNUAL - live for one year or less BIENNIAL - live for 2 years PERENNIAL - live several years, flowering once each year
Fruit Formation Seed develops & ovary around seed enlarges This becomes the fruit! The fruit contains the seeds