Year 5 revised curriculum Sept 2015
Terms Autumn 1 st Half Term= 8 weeks 7 weeks topic 1 week Harvest/ showing assembly to parents Autumn 2 nd Half Term= 7 weeks 5 weeks topic and 2 weeks Christmas focus Parent workshop, Carols, Party Spring 1 st half term= 5 weeks Parents evening Spring 2 nd Half term= 6 weeks Showing Assembly Summer 1 st Half term=- 7 weeks Showing Assembly Summer 2 nd Half Term=- 7 weeks Showing Assembly
Year 5 Year Overview Autumn 1 st Half term- Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go (History, Geography, DT, Science, and Art Drivers) Autumn 2 nd Half term-Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work we go(History, Geography, DT, Science, and Art Drivers) Spring 1 st Half term- Ancient Greece ( Science, History, DT and Art) Spring 2 nd Half term- Ancient Greece ( Science, History, DT and Art) Summer 1 st Half term- Plants and Animals (Science, Geography and Music drivers) Summer 2 nd Half term- Plants and Animals (Science, Geography and Music drivers)
Year 5 Year English Overview
Year 5 Year Computing Overview
Year 5 Year PHSCE Overview
First Hand Experiences BeamishSeaham mines Life Centre Winter Gardens Visitor (Durham University) Hatching Chicks
Autumn Over View (7 and 5) History ICT Art PHSE DT Science Mining Local History- Time Line and effects Community Mining- source of employment Houses Galas Location Export Art Skill- Mining theme Local artisits Photography digital black and white Line/ charcoal shading observational DT- Breadmaking Traditional nutritous meal eg dinners Pullies shafts ICT/ Music Beamish Seaham Mining Community Billy Elliot
History, Art, Science and DT skills- Autumn Term Historical study: Use pictures and artefacts for answering questions about the past Distinguish between reliable and unreliable resources. Give reasons for change through analysing evidence. Make conclusions with evidence as to the most likely version of events Understand the role of opinion and propaganda Historical knowledge and understanding: Identify some differences between past and present Understand that some events of the past affect people’s lives today Describe the main changes in a period of history, from several perceptions – e.g. political, cultural Chronology and change: Sort recent historical studies into a broad time order Use dates and terms accurately, using key dates when describing events Show change on a time line Begin to identify casual factors in change Science – Forces Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object Identify the affects of air resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
History, computing, PSHCE and Art skills Autumn Term D&T - Making: Begin to select their own ingredients when cooking or baking Make good presentation of food Measure precisely in millimetres Use proportions when cooking, by doubling and halving recipes Product Evaluation: Identify where evaluation has led to improvements Understand food storage Evaluate food by taste, texture, flavour etc. Design and Develop: Investigate a range of products Produce step by step plans Meet identified need – e.g. a meal for older person- by selecting ingredients Art: - Exploring and Developing: Create artwork following an idea or towards a specific purpose Use cultures and times as a stimulus Make and support their own decisions and choices Using Materials: Use a range of materials in 3D work Evaluating: Explore ideas and change what they have done to give a better result Adapt and refine work to reflect purpose Use the appraisal of others for improvement Consider the end point when adapting and improving their work.
History, computing, PSHCE and Art skills Autumn Term Computing: record their own voice and that of others Record using video and sound, and amend what they have recorded Capture sound, still and video images using a range of hardware
Autumn 1 st Half Mid Term Plan Autumn 1 Science Art and Design Computing Design and Technology GeographyHistoryMFLMusicPSEDPEREWriting Enhancements Visits/ visitors Display 1 st Sept Forces A local Histor y Study (mining) 7 th Sept Beamish 14 th Sept Subject lead meetin g Bread Making 21 st Sept Macmillan Coffee Morn Roald Dahl Dress up Day Writing on RD books/ character s. 28 th Sept 5 th Oct 3 D Shapes (pullies) Poetry to Perform - Harvest 12 th Oct Monito ring curricul um 19 th Oct
Autumn 2nd Half Mid Term Plan Autumn 2 Science Art and Design Computing Design and Technology GeographyHistoryMFLMusicPSEDPEREWriting Enhancements Visits/ visitors Display 2 rd Nov Charcoal drawings A local History Study (mining) French Describe places Firework safety Remembrance Day 9 th Nov Visit Seaham mining 16 th Nov Anti-Bullying Children in Need 23 rd Nov computing. (green screen telling news of miners’ strike How the media presents informati on 30 th Nov Christmas Focus Parent Workshop 7 th Dec Nativity Carols Key Stage 2 14 th Dec Parties
Harvest and Christmas Focus Harvest facts. Research Cards, calendars, Christmas story
Spring Term Over View (5 and 6) Greece is the word History Ancient Greeks Science Earth and solar system Sundials (DT) Technology Greek Salads Tesco on line Science DT Art History Art Sketching Clay Painting Skills
History, Science, DT and Art skills Spring Term History: - Historical study: Observe and handle artefacts, and use this to ask and answer questions use more complex sources of primary and secondary information Rank sources of information in order Historical Knowledge and Awareness: Explain what they think is important about the past and explain reasons why Describe how some things from the past affect lives today Chronological Change: Use dates on a timeline Understand the concept of decades and centuries and use this to divide the past into periods of time Identify changes across periods of time, using chronological links Science – Earth and Space Describe the movement of the earth, and other planets, relative to the sun in the solar system. Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth. Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies Use the idea of Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.
History, Science, DT and Art skills Spring Term Art – Clay pots – Exploring and developing: Explore different patterns Experiment in different ways Use other cultures and times as a stimulus Use inspiration from other cultures Using materials: Select the best material for the job Use a range of materials and techniques in 3D work Evaluating: Think of ways to adapt and improve own work. Compare others’ work with their own Evaluate own and other’s work
History, Science, DT and Art skills Spring Term D&T - Making: Begin to select their own ingredients when cooking or baking Make good presentation of food Measure precisely in millimetres Use proportions when cooking, by doubling and halving recipes Product Evaluation: Identify where evaluation has led to improvements Understand food storage Evaluate food by taste, texture, flavour etc. Design and Develop: Investigate a range of products Produce step by step plans Meet identified need – e.g. a meal for older person- by selecting ingredients
Spring 1 st Half Mid Term Plan Spring 1Science Art and Design ComputingD&T Geograph y HistoryMFLMusicPSEDPERE Writ ing Enhancements Visits/ visitors Display 4 th Jan Ancient Greece – A study of Greek life and achievement s Visitor/Durham University 11 th Jan Designi ng Greek clay pots 18 th Jan Greek salad/Tes co on line 25 th Jan 1 st Feb 8 th Feb
Spring 2nd Half Mid Term Plan Spring 2Science Art and Design ComputingD&TGeographyHistoryMFLMusicPSEDPERE Writi ng Enhancements Visits/ visitors Display 22 rd Feb Earth and solar system Sundials Ancient Greece – A study of Greek life and achievem ents Life Centre 29 th Feb French S/L ask and answer questio n 7 th mar Easter Story 14 th mar 21 st Mar
Summer Term Over View 7 and 7 Weeks Planting in the outdoor environment- improving the environment and Science Rainforests Geography and Science Art and Music from contrasting environments Science Geography DT Art Music Plants and Animals Far and wide Animals reproduction in the rainforest
Geography, Science and music skills Summer Term Geography Knowledge and understanding: Understand why people choose to live in contrasting areas Compares the lives of people in two different environments or places Begin to understand geographical pattern – e.g. industry by a river Describe and begin to explain patterns and physical and human changes Describe how change can lead to similarities between different places Justify own viewpoint or decision, and use new information to adapt their own viewpoint Maps: Use 6 figure grid references Work out a journey time, using their knowledge of time zones Geographical study and field work: Analyse data – e.g. population data - using similarity and difference Speculate and hypothesise about what is found
Science Animals including humans: Describe the changes as humans develop to old age Living things and their habitats: Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals Music Listening: Describe what they hear using a wider range of musical vocabulary Recognise how musical elements are used by composers to create different moods and effects Discern and distinguish layers of sound and understand their combined effect Composing: Create rhythmic patterns with an awareness of timbre and duration Use emphasis and accent to create effects Performance: Refine their own work and evaluate that of others Suggest improvements to others’ work
Summer 1 st Half Mid Term Plan Summer 1Science Art and Design Computin g D&TGeographyHistoryMFLMusicPSEDPEREWriting Enhancements Visits/ visitors Display 11 th Apr life Cycles /plants Art (contras ting Environ ment) Develop Techniq ues (Rain Forest) North & South America… Connect to tropical plants in science French DESCRIBE PLACES AND THINGS 18 th Apr 25 th Apr Winter Gardens 2 nd May (BH) 9 th May 16 th May 23 rd May
Summer 2nd Half Mid Term Plan Summer 2 Science Computi ng D&TGeographyHistoryMFLMusicPSEDPEREWriting Enhancements Visits/ visitors Display 6 th Jun Planting in the outdoor environm ent (Rain Forest) North & South America Improvising and composing 13 th Jun 20 th Jun 27 th Jun Animal reproduct ion 4 th Jul 11 th Jul 18 th Jul (3 days)