Cory Grant Spring 2011 Illinois State University.


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Presentation transcript:

Cory Grant Spring 2011 Illinois State University

 Study ANSI/RIA R15.06 Safety Standard  Develop Risk Assessments Per Standard  Design Physical/Electrical Safety System  Implement Designed Safety System  Check Implemented Safety System Against Standard  Present Project to Illinois State University (Employer)  Present Project to Heartland Community College (Customer)

Screw/Torque Screws into Base

Load Shaft and Cover from Table Mounted Inventory Stand

Table Mounted Inventory Stand Assemblies Arrive on Conveyor

 Additional functions for external projects Ex: Using robot for SIT Conference to write student participants names  May use table area, conveyor area, area in front of table, or any combination.

 Created risk assessment chart based on RIA standard and ISU’s ABB risk assessment  Station currently does not include any safety equipment  Used standard set of safety equipment to predict risk reduction

 Presence sensing devices (curtain/mat)  Barriers (fencing)  Programming requirements (PLC/robot)  Standard procedure training (classroom)  Properly designed safety circuits (per NEC)  Awareness Signal on Fencing  Station Controls Moved to Fencing

 Allen Bradley PAC T4H 3400N  3 Beams  23mm Beam Width  400mm Beam Center to Center  Min Os=Beam C2C-Beam Width  Min Os=400mm-23mm  Min Os=377mm (14.85in) Therefore, Dpf=178mm (7.5in) Per Figure B.2

 Allen Bradley PAC T4H 3400N  3 Beams  23mm Beam Width  400mm Beam Center to Center  Min Os=Beam C2C-Beam Width  Min Os=400mm-23mm  Min Os=377mm (14.85in) Therefore, Dpf=178mm (7.5in) Per Figure B.2

 1.5in Square Openings  Per Figure B in Opening =6.5in Distance from Hazard 1.875in Opening=17.5in Distance from Hazard  1.875in-1.25in=0.625in (∆Opening)  17.5in-6.5in=11in (∆Distance)  11in/0.625in=17.6 (Distance Ratio)  1.5in>1.25in by 0.25in (Opening Increase)  17.6*0.25in=4.4in (Additional Distance)  6.5in+4.4in=10.9in (Total Distance) Therefore Fence to Envelope≈11in Per Figure B.1

5 Foot Fencing 1.5” Square Openings AB Light Curtain Awareness Signal to Be Added Station Controls Moved to Fencing

12”=Required Figure-B.2c 19”>Required Figure-A.2 48”=Required Figure-B.2c And Figure B.1

12”=Required Figure-A.3 11”>Required Figure-B.2

12”=Required Figure-A.3 53”>Required Figure-B.2 Real Distance≈25”

Fencing Interferes With Robot Envelope Possible Solutions: -Axis Limits -Additional Hard Stops

Student Checking PLC Panel Without Safety Mat Robot Could Be Reset and Motion Started Possible Solutions: -Add Safety Mat Under Student

Possibly Unprotected Area Inside System -Gaps at 4 Corners -Crawl Through Access to Inside Possible Solutions: -Safety Chains at 4 Corners -Barriers -Safety Mat Inside

Accessing Center of System No Presence Sensing Devices Inside System Possible Solutions: -Add Safety Chains Over Gaps -Add Safety Mat Inside

Two proximity sensors added to the base to detect J1 movement towards fencing

Gap chains added to prevent entry into center of the system without setting off light curtain

Standard procedures for safe operation booklets added to outside fencing for operator reference

Student technician outside of fencing while troubleshooting

Unable to reach reset button from inside fencing
