Kicked off August 25, 2014 Promoted with: Kickoff event that was webcast and archived News release with archived info News and editorial coverage Commissioner’s blog Ongoing social media posts – #KCASChallenge Multiple messages in Monday Memo, Fast Five and Co-op update KDE staff signature reminder Reminder on CIITS and Infinite Campus login pages Commissioner to teachers Commissioner to KDE partners Commissioner PTA column
Kentucky Teacher story on Jan. 20 Featured Boone, Daviess, Madison, and Paducah Ind. teachers who had taken the challenge and provided their addresses for follow-up While generally supportive, they did voice several concerns with some of the standards Message included an appreciation that there was a way for their voices to be heard
There are a total of 1341 standards available for feedback 875 English/language arts 466 mathematics As of March 23, we had registered some sort of feedback on: 100% of mathematics standards 99% of E/LA standards Users from 37 states Kentucky – 91% Tennessee – 2% Alabama – 1% Ohio – >1%
User Roles
Overall stats
English/language arts stats
Mathematics stats
Challenge closes April 30 All comments will be posted online Content specific teams will review the feedback against a rubric The teams will make recommendations on any changes to the Kentucky Board of Education If KBE approves any changes, they would not go into effect until the school year to give teachers time to prepare
Do your constituents know about the challenge? Are they participating? If not, why not? How can you help KDE promote this opportunity? What, if any, anecdotal feedback are you getting about the Common Core State Standards or Next Generation Science Standards that can help us gauge overall temperament on this issue in Kentucky? What else do we need to do to put this issue to rest?