What is a SPARC? Support Personnel Accountability Report Card the SPARC was developed by an advisory group of Los Angeles County counselors and consultants, counselor administrators, counselor educators and California Department of Education consultants to promote, improve, and implement the National Standards and National Model for School Counseling Programs. It is a continuous improvement document that gives a school’s counseling program and student support team an opportunity to demonstrate effective communication and a commitment to getting results.
Presenting a self-evaluation of your student support system. Promoting your program to your school administration, school board, parents/guardians, and community partners and businesses. Preparing reports for school accreditation (WASC), grants, or awards recognition. Implementing the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards and the National Model for School Counseling Programs. What is a SPARC used for?
SPARC Scoring Process All SPARCs are mailed to the LACOE by a deadline and a Scoring Committee, from all over the state, meets to review each document. A strict rubric is used to ensure that each award- winning document meets the criteria. RESULTS: This year, ALL nine sites in the GUHSD submitted a SPARC and (school) received (award)
SPARCS Academic Year AwardTotal AppliedNumbers Awarded % Awarded% Commended Academy Award %72% Best in the West %66% Diamond Best in West 27726%74% Governor’s Trophy 10330%70% Master’s Plaque 10770%30% Commended only 163 Total %69%
Current Marketing Plan Superintendent’s Newsletter – March 17, sent out to all staff and copies distributed in teacher boxes – April 28, 2009 Submitted to Dan McDowell for WASC evidence. Posted on GUHSD Website. Requested post on the West Hills website. Academy Award Trophy – Displayed in the Counseling Office with copies of the document available to parents. GUHSD Board Meeting – May 14, 2009 School Site Council – May 28, 2009 Presented and copies distributed at PTSA Meeting – May 28, 2009
Proposed Ideas… Would like to see this document supported in the School Site Plan. Possibly have color copies mailed out to our families and available at the front desk and in the counseling office. Other suggestions…