Welcome to.... Proud to be a Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School of Excellence
Student Demographics Number of Students Total Number of Students435 Subgroups: Free and Reduced Lunches223 White Students358 Black Students33 Hispanic Students36 Asian6 Indian2 Special Education: ED, LD, MR, OHI, Autism25 Speech38 Title76 Gifted – 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th Grades58
This plan is a complete look at our school AND our system. It offers a design for understanding where we are and where we need to be. It is a plan for what we need to do to get where we need to be Improve Math ARMT Scores Bullying Prevention Program Attendance Program Our 2011 CIP Goals Continuous Improvement Plan-CIP
F. E. Burleson is a Great Place to Learn! Tigerrific High Five! Bullies to Buddies Attendance Rewards Accelerated Reader Rewards Be A Champion and Read Outdoor Classroom 21 st Century Extended Day Program Alternative Behavior Educator ABE Clubs Day of Caring Math Lab Writer of the Month Faculty Recognition Book Studies Technology Project Wisdom
Tigerrific High Five Type text
Bullies to Buddies Don’t Laugh at Me Type text
Alternative Behavior Educator-ABE Type text
Project Wisdom Daily message is read Focus is on helping students make wise choices Encourages students to take responsibility for their choices and actions
Day of Caring Type text
Red Ribbon Week Type text
AYP Attendance Requirement – 95% Each class tracks daily attendance Each month rewards are given to the class in each grade level with highest attendance percentage Each month students with 98% rate receive rewards Attendance Program
Accelerated Reader Program Rewards are given to students each grading period (buttons, ribbons, prizes, etc.). Students are recognized during awards ceremonies. At the end of the year, students reading the most in each grade level receive a trophy.
Be a Champion and Read Reading incentive contest – statewide Students declare their team – they are reading either for Alabama or Auburn. Students must read at least 8 books on their reading level. Book counts are documented and students become eligible for 3 tickets to the Iron Bowl game.
Understanding Poverty- Book Study
Alabama Outdoor Classroom Highlights from F. E. Burleson
NFL Day Highlights from F. E. Burleson
Competitive Grant - $125,000 per year for 3 years 100 students enrolled Average daily attendance – 80 Snack Academic/Homework Recreation Enrichment Computer Lab 21 st Century Extended Day
21 st Century Extended Day- continued Service Learning Projects Girl Scouts Woodmen of the World Junior Master Gardening Program Camps Family Nights Increased Parental Involvement Field Trips
Faculty and Staff Recognition Shout Outs Recognition program based on character traits PTO provides a $25 gift card to Cracker Barrel Plaque displayed in the hallway –August: Positive Attitude – Debra Harvel and Linda Orr –September: Team Player – Tina Towers –October: Most Enthusiastic - Sarah Bragwell and Linda Houston
Technology: Mimios,Wikis and Blogs – Oh My! Mimios, projectors, and ELMO’s in every classroom 2 Computer Labs Wiki Blogs
Faculty and Staff Recognition Next …. The Leader In Me TV Station First In Math Study Best Practices
Proud to be a Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School of Excellence