BY: Ke’uhn’A Brent, Brittany Shine, and Kierre Luat
1. What is your definition of Gothic? 2. What are some assumptions do you have about Gothic people? 3. Do you consider yourself to be Gothic?
The word “gothic” was first used to identify a group of European tribes from ancient history. Goths of ancient history were a nomadic people who had a reputation for ruthless violence.
Ancient Goths were also a religious people; their beliefs were based around worship of pagan deities. During the 3rd and 4th centuries, the Scythian Goths were divided into at least two distinct groups, the Thervingi, and the Greuthungi.
Modern Goths differ from ancient Goths in that they are not part of a dominant culture; they are a part of a subculture. Modern gothic subculture is not linked to any particular religion.
There are some pagan Goths, however many more Goths are Christian, Jewish, Catholic, or Aethiest Historians of modern gothic subculture generally agree that its beginnings were in the late nineteen- seventies.
“Gothic” is used to describe a subculture based largely on a certain style of art, literature, and music. Gothic literary is a style of fiction prevalent in the late 18th and early 19th centuries which emphasized the grotesque, mysterious, and desolate.
Gothic Authors: Edgar Allen Poe Mary Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley
There are things that many Goths like that are not gothic such as Industrial or Classical music. There are things that are gothic that many Goths dislike such as vampires, interest in death.
There are things that some people think are gothic that are not gothic such as bands like Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails. There are things that do not call themselves gothic even if they are considered gothic by most people such as bands like Sisters of Mercy and Dead Can Dance.
1. m/what-is-gothic.php 2. htm 3. ths