Urbanization is the process of building cities and people moving from the countryside to the cities. Most people in Europe had lived in the countryside. By the 1800’s people began to move to the cities because new machines on farms required less people to work the fields. As a result, people began to move to the cities to find work in factories. Change #1: Urbanization
Living conditions were bad in crowded cities. Many people lived in poor neighborhoods called slums. Many people could not find good housing, schools, or police protection. Filth, garbage, and sickness were a part of life. A person in the city could expect to live 17 years. In the countryside, a person could expect to live 38 years. Change #2: Living Conditions
The average worker spent 14 hours a day on the job, 6 days a week. They were poorly paid and many workers were killed or seriously injured in accidents. Before unions were created, the company would fire a person if they were injured on the job. They would not receive medical benefits or workmen’s compensation. The average worker spent 14 hours a day on the job, 6 days a week. They were poorly paid and many workers were killed or seriously injured in accidents. Before unions were created, the company would fire a person if they were injured on the job. They would not receive medical benefits or workmen’s compensation. Change #3: Working Conditions
Some people’s lives were improved because of the Industrial Revolution. For the first time a middle class was created, which included skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers. People in the middle class enjoyed comfortable lives. The middle class began to grow in size during and after the Industrial Revolution. Change #4: Formation of Middle Class