Industrial Revolution Starts in England in the 1780's Read 582 “Contributing Factors” Agriculture Population Capital Resources Empire
How things changed Cotton used to be spun into thread and woven into cloth at small home businesses “Cottage Industry” Inventions like the “Spinning Jenny” and water powered loom and the steam engine made spinning and weaving much faster More efficient to bring workers into factories
What was it like? Read - “The New Factories” p. 583 How did the Industrial revolution help to create a new system for working?
Social Impact Population doubled between 1750 and 1850 More food Smallpox vaccine Decline in death rates Fewer wars (relatively)
How did it affect people? Read “The Industrial Middle Class” p . 586 Describe the change over time of the middle class. Read”The Industrial Working Class” p. 587 Describe the working conditions of the industrial working class.