Heißen to be called- named. sein to be kommen to come.


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Presentation transcript:

heißen to be called- named

sein to be

kommen to come

lernen to learn

sprechen to speak

machen to do/make

spielen to play

haben to have

joggen to jog

kochen to cook

reiten to ride (horses)

lesen to read

malen to paint

zeichnen to draw

Rad fahren to ride (bikes)

segeln to sail

sammeln to collect

hören to listen to/hear

schauen to watch

besuchen to visit

schwimmen to swim

wandern to hike

basteln to craft/build

Ski laufen to ski (duh)

tanzen to dance

schlafen to sleep

schwimmen to swim

schreiben to write

gehen to go

finden to think of/find

surfen to surf

OTHERS Check verb chart

gehen to go

wohnen to live

denken to think

möchten would like

essen to eat

trinken to drink

sein to be (am,is,are)

aus/sehen to look like

haben to have

haben to have

lernen to learn

schreiben to write

sein to be (am, is, are)

kosten to cost

bekommen to receive

haben to have

möchten to would like

brauchen to need

suchen to look for/seek

gefallen to be pleasing

aus/sehen to look like

passen to fit

finden to think/find

sein to be (am, is, are)

wissen to know

meinen to think/believe

an/probieren to try on

an/ziehen to put on

tragen to wear

nehmen to take

kaufen to buy

gehen to go

sein to be (am, is, are)

fahren to drive/travel

essen to eat

trinken to drink

baden to swim

sehen to see/watch

tanzen to dance

hören to hear/listen to

wollen to want

bekommen to receive/have

schmecken to taste

zahlen to pay

machen to make

auf/passen to pay attention - watch out

mit/kommen to come with

können can – to be able

tun to do

helfen to help

müssen must – to have to

auf/räumen to clean up

Staub saugen to vacuum

sortieren to sort

mähen to mow

füttern to feed (pets)

decken to set

ab/räumen to clear off

spülen to wash (dishes)

gie ß en to water

machen to make

auf/räumen to pick up

putzen to clean/polish

haben to have

sagen to say

sein to be (am, is, are)

schneien to snow

regnen to rain

geben to get/give

gewittern to storm

scheinen to shine

haben to have

blitzen to lightning

nieseln to drizzle

sollen should

einkaufen to shop

gehen to go

holen to get

kaufen to buy

schmecken to taste

kosten to cost

wiegen to weigh

möchten would like

haben to have

brauchen to need

waren was

haben gekauft have bought

haben geholt have gotten

haben gebraucht have needed

haben gekostet have costed

sein to be (am, is, are)

wissen to know

kommen to come

gehen to go (walk)

fahren to drive/go

geben to give (is there)

schmecken to taste

kosten to cost

möchten would like

haben to have

brauchen to need

finden to think/find

probieren to try

waren was

haben gekauft have bought

haben geholt have gotten

haben gekostet have costed

verbringen to spend (time)

mögen to like

sehen to see/watch

hören to listen to/hear

kennen to know of

finden to think of/find

lesen to read

sprechen ü ber to speak/talk about

waren was

haben gemacht have done

haben gesehen have seen

haben gelesen have read

haben gesprochen have spoken