The role of the Amanda Bezzina
History of the PSD Association Formed February 2003 First President: Mr. Kenneth Camilleri PRESENT COMMITTEE President- Ms Amanda Bezzina Vice-President- Mr Ryan Portelli Secretary- Ms Bernardette Azzopardi, Ms Tiziana Bugeja PRO- Ms Elysia Attard Treasurer- Ms Myriam Peresso, Dr Ruth Falzon Members: Ms Maud Muscat, Ms Sarah Jane Pulis and Ms Miriam Cristina
Aims To safeguard the interests of the PSD Teachers To disseminate information about current themes relevant to PSD To act as a support group for all PSD Teachers To encourage activities dealing with PSD To provide a website that can be used by PSD Teachers To have a resource centre for PSD Teachers
Main targets Organizes meetings, conferences, discussions and other activities that interest PSD Teachers Disseminates books, videos and software regarding PSD Produces material that can be used for PSD lessons
Socio-emotional learning
Conferences “Entertainment or addiction... Where do youth cross the line?” “Should I say that? Sexual Health Related Issues” “The Media and I: Who is in control?” “Feel and Achieve. A training seminar on emotional literacy” 2014 – “Plan and succeed --- a training seminar for employability”
Conference – Emotional Literacy
Programme conference Workshop 1Using Drama for Emotional Literacy Workshop 2Using Dance for Emotional Literacy Workshop 3Agenzija Zghazagh and Emotional Literacy Workshop 4Autism and Emotional Literacy Workshop 5Intellectual impairment and Emotional Literacy Workshop 6Creativity Media and Emotional Literacy Workshop 7Dyslexia and Emotional Literacy Workshop 8Kif il-kitba tgħinek tgħaraf lilek u lil oħrajn
Participation in NSCOPSE conferences
Articles in newspaper Letter to the editor in reaction to the article ‘Mum, dad, can we talk about sex?’ on Friday, 17th July th December Times of Malta – PSD teachers hit back at lack of preparedness charge 20 th March Times of Malta - PSD Day at St Margaret College Input in articles for the Times of Malta about PSD and promoting the PSD subject on TV stations – “Working as a teacher in Personal and Social Development Interview with Amanda Caruana (10 th December 2012) and “Youngsters don’t realise inhalants are dangerous” (21 st September 2012). Input in articles on the Times of Malta about the importance of PSD – “PSD needs to be taken to further levels” (10th March 2013) and “Developing personal, social skills” (30th March 2013) Times of Malta- 13 July Pornification of the young generation Times of Malta- 16 June 2013 (also cited be iNews) - Sex education and pornography in PSD 10 March For MPSDA website - Menstruation Education in Malta. Are our young maltese girls really prepared for this milestone?
Ongoing talks and training for teachers Primary Self-Examination Sexually Transmitted Infections
Next conference The introduction of PSD at post- secondary and tertiary level
The aim of the research was to highlight the importance of PSD skills in the world of work, particularly when it comes to recruitment of an employee. Quantitative Research analysing the importance of PSD Skills in employment recruitment
Members of the MPSDA gathered data from 154 job advertisements that were published in two issues of the weekly newspaper The Sunday Times of Malta dated the 22 nd June 2014 and the 29 th June Data Gathering
Out of 154 advertisements, 122 of them included PSD skills requisites (79.2%) 1. PSD Skills Requirements Figure 1: Pie chart illustrating the percentage results of advertisements requesting PSD skills against those that did not request any of such skills
The following is a bar chart illustrating the frequency of PSD skills requisites mentioned in the examined advertisements. 2. Number of PSD Skills Required Figure 2: Bar Chart illustrating the number of advertisements against the number of listed soft skills
The number of skill requirements found in all the 154 advertisements added up to 833 skills. 449 of these were soft skill requisites against 384 hard skills. 3. Soft vs Hard Skills Figure 3: Pie chart illustrating the percentage result of the total number of requested soft skills against that of the requested hard skills
41 different PSD skills were identified across the 154 advertisements. The 10 most popular PSD skills requested in various employment sectors are presented in the bar chart below: 4. Popular PSD Skills Figure 4: Bar chart illustrating the number of job advertisements that listed each of the ten most required PSD skills as a job requirement
Other soft skills and personal qualities that were often listed as a requisite for emplyment included : Problem – Solving (16) Creativity Skills (14) Flexibility (12) Integrity (10) Analytic Thinking (10) Hard-working (9) Willing to Learn (9) Positive Attitude (8) Presentation Skills (7) Strategic Thinking and Planning (7) Ambitious (6) Leadership Skills (6) The numbers in the brackets indicate the number of adverts that particular soft skill was listed in
European PSD Association
Couple cards Working with Relationship are Forever Foundation. Resolving differences by using cards that: feelings (Blue cards) 2.discuss the differences by presenting the good (Green cards) and bad moves (Violet cards) 3.settle the discussion by considering making up cards (Yellow cards)
Relationship Cards Working with the PSD Educational Officers and the Commissioner for Children. Relationship cards for primary and secondary school students.
Video Production Production of a video on PSD found online at The Zone within the Times of Malta website. ew/ /thezone-careers/working- as-a-teacher-in-personal-and-social- development
Contact Information E mail address: Facebook page: Malta PSD Association