Implementation of silicon photomultipliers in scintillation detector systems of the GAMMA-400 space gamma-ray telescope М.F. RUNTSO, A.I. ARKHANGELSKYI, I.V. ARKHANGELSKAYA, А.М. GALPER, М.D. KHEIMITZ, V.А. KAPLIN, А.А. LEONOV, V.А. LOGINOV, P. YU. NAUMOV, YU.T. YURKIN ON BEHALF OF GАММА-400 COLLABORATION, S.N. FEDOTOV, V.V. KUSHIN, S.D. LAZAREV, Е.F. MAKLYAEV, YU. A. MELIKYAN, P.P. NAUMOV, М.P. SHARAPOV, A.А. SOLODOVNIKOV National Research Nuclear University “Moscow Engineering Physics Institute” 1 The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, 2015
“GAMMA-400 “ Gamma-ray telescope [1] 2The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, 2015
Test setup for the detector’s time and amplitude characteristics study (SiPM with standart output: SensL (MICRO FB-6035-SMT) and KITEK (PM6660-B66T99S-Q3) [2]. The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, Bicron-408
The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, Overlapping of particle and noice signals of one SiPM [6x6 mm] by Ketek and SensL Counts per channel QDC channel
The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, Overlapping of particle and noice signals of 6 SiPM [6x6 mm] by Ketek and SensL [2] Noise events Particle events
SensL SiPM MICRO FB-6035-SMT biasing The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, Snandard Output -Vbias 0V0V
Test setup for the detector’s time and amplitude characteristics study (SiPM with fast output) The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, Bicron-408
SensL SiPM MICRO FB-6035-SMT The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, 20158
Time resolution for the tested scintillation detector as a function of the distance between the beta-source and the appropriate set of SiPM The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9, 20159
The signal amplitude as a function of the distance between the beta-source and the detecting set of SiPM The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9,
The dependence of the scintillation detection efficiency for the tested scintillation detectors on the distance between the beta-source and the detecting set of SiPM [2] The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9,
References [1] O. Adriani, R.L. Aptekar, I.V. Arkhangelskaja. Status of the GAMMA-400 project. Advances in Space Research 51 (2), pp [2] Kaplin V.A., Makliaev E.F., Melikyan Yu.A. et al, Ground testing of fast scintillation detector system of the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope. Conference of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics February 2015 Scientific Session MEPhI-2015 of National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), Elsevier (in press). The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9,
Thank You for Your Attention The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors (PD15), Moscow, Russia, July 6 - 9,