4 Introduction Broadcasting Tree and Coloring System Model and Problem Definition Broadcast Scheduling Simulation 6 Conclusion and Future Work
4 Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) The utilization of spectrum assigned to licensed users varies from 15% to 85% temporally and geographically (FCC report) Unlicensed users (Secondary Users, SUs) can sense and learn the communication environment, and opportunistically access the spectrum without causing any unacceptable interference to licensed users (Primary Users, PUs)
Broadcast Scheduling in CRNs Task and goal Broadcast a data packet from the source to all the other nodes Minimum-latency and minimum-redundancy Motivation NP-hard even in traditional wireless networks under the simple UDG model It is not straightforward to move traditional broadcast algorithms to CRNs Existing solutions are either heuristic solutions without performance guarantee or with performance far from the optimal solution Our contributions A Mixed Broadcast Scheduling (MBS) algorithm for CRNs under both the Unit Disk Graph (UDG) model and the Protocol Interference Model (PrIM) Comprehensive latency and redundancy analysis 5
Primary Network N Primary Users (PUs): Transmission/interference radius: Network time is slotted: Primary transmitters are Poisson distributed with density Secondary Network A source and n randomly distributed Secondary Users (SUs) Transmission/interference radius: Topology graph: 7
Interference Model Unit Disk Graph (Model): Protocol Interference Model (PrIM): Problem definition To seek a broadcast scheduling strategy of minimum latency Low broadcast redundancy the maximum possible transmission times of the broadcast packet by a SU during the scheduling 8
Connected Dominating Set (CDS) Dominators (black), Connectors (blue), and Dominatees (white) CDS-based broadcasting tree 10
Tesselation A tessellation of a plane is to cover this plane with a pattern of flat shapes so that there are no overlaps or gaps A regular tessellation is a pattern made by repeating a regular polygon, e.g. hexagon 11
MBS-UDG: Idea Phase I: broadcast to all the dominators by Unicast Phase II: broadcast to all the dominatees by mixed Unicast and Broadcast Depending on how many dominatee children are waiting for receiving the broadcast packet 13
Latency and redundancy performance analysis The expected time consumption of MBS-UDG is upper bounded by and (Theorem 3). The broadcast redundancy of MBS-UDG is at most and (Theorem 4). 14
MBS-PrIM No significant difference with MBS-UDG Performance analysis Let. The expected number of time slots consumed by MBS-PrIM is upper bounded by if and if (Theorem 7). The broadcast redundancy of MBS-PrIM is upper bounded by if, and if (Theorem 8). 15
Latency performance 17
Redundancy performance 18
A Mixed Broadcast Scheduling (MBS) algorithm is proposed Comprehensive latency and redundancy performance analysis Simulations are conducted Future Research Directions Considering more accurate dynamic spectrum model and access model Distributed broadcasting algorithm with performance guarantee 19