You Win Some, You Lose Some: You Win Some, You Lose Some: The Story of Keesha Hernandez Narrated by: Olivia Neumann, Stephanie McClain, Lauren Earle
Meet Keesha 26 years old Working two jobs- 60 hrs a week Young child
Jobs and Welfare MonthlyYearly Roche Brothers$800$9,600 Clydes$1,600$19,200 Welfare$50$600 Total$2,450$29,400
Taxes MonthlyYearly Federal Social Security$308.33$3,700 Federal Medicare$35.53$ MA State Income$129.85$1, Gross Income: $23,715.50/year Child Tax Credit: $ 1000/year Total Income After Taxes: $24,715.50
Rent/Household Appleton Mills in Lowell, MA 2 bedroom Rent: $6,072/year Renters Insurance: $180/year Internet and Cable (Charter): $239.88/year Cell Phone (T-Mobile): $360/year Essentials: $1460/year Public Transportation (Bus Fare): $480/year
Shopping Groceries: Sub Total: $95.89 Employee Discount: $9.59 Total Weekly: $86.30 Total Monthly: $ Total Yearly: $4, Clothing: Total Monthly: $ Total Yearly: $2,436.00
Daycare for Dorothy Bright Horizons at Brookstone $383/month $4596/year
Health Care Blue Basic Saver $39.03/month $468.36/year
Retirement and College No retirement plan Save $200/month for college for Dorothy ($2,400/year)
Summary After all necessary expenses, Keesha has $ left. Very little for savings/investments if any Most likely impossible to achieve financial success or even basic financial security
The End (with special thanks to Jessica Alba)