A Global Perspective on Blood Pressure Treatment and Control in a Referred Cohort of Hypertensive Patients Bramlage P, et al. J Clin Hyper. doi: /j x Problematic: Scarce data on BP treatment, BP control and drug utilization on global scale Goal: Resolve the lack of information to gain further insight into national and regional BP control and antihypertensive pharmacotherapy prescribed in practice by analyzing the data of i-SEARCH (International survey)
i-SEARCH method 26 countries across the world (n=18 652)
i-SEARCH method Baseline characteristics: Treated patients:n= Age (years): 63.0 ± 11.4 Sex (male): 52.2% Type 2 diabetes: 24.3% SBP (mm Hg): ± 19.8 DBP (mm Hg): 86.7 ± 11.6
The majority of hypertensive patients are uncontrolled BP control (%) Uncontrolled Patients
1 hypertensive patient out of 3 is treated by 3 drugs
Similar use of drug regardless of the region of the world
BP reading were on average too high and not tailored toward an increased risk Potential for an improvement of BP control in daily practice This would result in considerable reductions of morbidity Conclusion