Gabriel Iglesias By: Jarod Wirtz
Biography Gabriel Iglesias was born on July 15,1976. He is still alive and is of 36 years of age. He is a Hispanic comedian who goes on tour around the united states. Gabriel has a girlfriend and a step-son. He currently lives with them in California.
Achievements Gabriel Iglesias is the star comedian in two very popular comedy shows, ‘Hot and Fluffy’ and ‘I'm not Fat I’m Fluffy’. From these shows he is widely known as “fluffy”. In his shows he speaks of past stories from his life. He uses Spanish in his comedies occasionally and frequently uses sounds to demonstrate actions.
Achievements Gabriel hosts his own show called “Stand- up Revolution”. The show has him and his comedian friends telling stories from their lives. The show is now on its second season. His best friend Martin co-hosts the show and introduces the comedians. The show is very popular and has many views.
Legacy Gabriel Iglesias is thought as being one of the greatest comedians ever. He has influence on many other Hispanic comedians too. He goes on tour with his friends and family to many places. Gabriel is known for wearing Hawaiian shirts in his specials. He is the most famous Spanish comedian who ever lived.